Instructions n The class will be divided into 4 groups (equal number of students). n One student from each group will be given 1 minute to act out one phrase for the group to guess. n The actor must remain silent when acting out the word / phrases.
Instructions n The actor can indicate the number of words by showing the corresponding number of fingers on their hand. n The audience will try and guess what the actor is portraying and when they guess correctly the next actor from another group can have a turn.
Instructions n If the group failed to guess the phrase, it will be opened to the floor for the other groups to guess. n For example: THE LITTLE MERMAID
Volunteers n One scorekeeper and One timekeeper needed
Circles of Appreciation
Instructions n n Tables and chairs should be cleared to create space for this activity. n n Divide the class into 2 groups (boys and girls).
Instructions n n Students are to form up based on the diagram shown below: n n One student should be facing another student.
Instructions n n Students are to say positive words of affirmation and encouragement to each other. n n Form and Co-Form teachers should join their students for this activity.
Prompts n n What is your first impression when you first met the person? What is your impression of the person now? (The impression now should be positive.) n n Thank and appreciate the person. n n Encourage the person with positive words.