Science education
Adoption process for new state science standards First of four public hearings to be held at the South Dakota Board of Education meeting, Sept. 15, in Rapid City Three more public hearings to be held at future board meetings across the state
What is different about the proposed science standards? Incorporate the latest research about how children learn science Children are born investigators Science education should foster students’ curiosity by beginning in kindergarten and building from there
What is different about the proposed science standards? The standards balance knowledge and practices This means that students at all grade levels will both learn core ideas and “do science,” by asking questions, developing and using models, planning and carrying out investigations, etc.
What is different about the proposed science standards? Three-dimensional, emphasizing the following, equally: Core ideas in physical science, life science, and earth and space science Science and engineering practices Crosscutting concepts common to both science and engineering
Were these standards developed by a multi-state consortium? No Senate Bill 64, passed by the 2014 Legislature, prohibits the adoption of any standards drafted by a multi-state consortium prior to July 1, 2016
Who drafted these standards? A work group of South Dakota K-12 educators, postsecondary representatives and members of the business community The work group evaluated South Dakota’s existing standards and made changes to reflect the most current research in the field
How were the standards drafted? During review process, work group looked at science standards developed by a multi-state consortium, but also the following: South Dakota’s existing standards Other states’ standards A national framework
How were the standards drafted? At the end of the review process, the work group drafted science standards to meet the needs of South Dakota students
Where can I read the proposed standards? The proposed standards are available online at