Adapted from declarative prayers


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Presentation transcript:

Adapted from declarative prayers of John Paul Jackson

In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and in His Authority: I cut off every curse that has been spoken against me to try to stop me from walking in God’s purpose for my life. I cut off all bloodline and spiritual curses that any person or persons may have placed upon me, whether by their actions or by any form of verbal declaration at all, whatsoever.

Through the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, I pronounce that, in His Name: All these things are null and void as of this moment, Nothing that is against His purpose for me shall flourish, and Nothing that is anti what He has created me to become will flourish from this moment on.

Because I will live a repentant life before You, Nothing will prosper that comes against me, and You will answer my prayer.

Therefore, in His Name, I declare that: My family will prosper, My children will prosper, My finances will prosper, My authority will prosper, My favor will prosper, My understanding of scripture will prosper, The wisdom of God in me will prosper, and My discernment and discretion will prosper.

I further declare that the power of the Living God: Will flow in greater measure through me, unencumbered. It will increasingly become more unencumbered and flow at greater rates, and greater speeds to change people’s lives and advance the glorious Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ within me.

I declare that God has determined: The pre-appointed time for my life, and The exact location for my anointing.

He has placed me where I am… In order for me to touch and change that area, and that the enemy – the powers of darkness – would be broken because of the power of the Living God upon my shoulders. He has done this so that I would grope for him, and that I would seek Him, and that in hope I might find Him, for in Him I live and move and have my being.

As Paul wrote, “We are all His offspring,” and therefore I declare that: I am flesh of His flesh, I am bone of His bone. I will become what You have called me to become.

I was born for such a time as this. I have been placed here for such a time as this. I live where I live because You placed me here. I am not here by accident; I am here by divine appointment.

I am light to the world because The Light of the World dwells in me. I will become increasingly aware of the Light that I carry. I will grow in You and grow in this Light. I will bear your Light to change the world. People will see me and they will know that I am a follower of Jesus and a bearer of His Light.

With Your help, when people see me, they will see You. No one will meet me and not be changed, because no one can meet You and not be changed. I will become a change agent in this world. For Your glory this will happen, taking the foolish things to confound the wise.

Those I touch will prosper because of You in me. My neighbors will prosper because of You in me. Everyone I pray for will be touched, because You flow through me; it makes no difference if others recognize the touch or not – You will touch them. You will touch others more sometimes than at other times; I will not judge my relationship with You based on what they feel.

The gifts You have given me will flourish as I understand Your ways. I relate to You because of who You are in me, not because of my emotions, not because I feel saved, not because I’ve ascended to greatness through my intellect – but because of what you’ve done in me. I am re-procreated, regenerated and born anew. There is now a clear distinction between those who don’t know God and me, because I know You.

Your seed has entered me. My spirit is alive and quickened. I will become quickened to You, fine-tuned to Your Spirit, not doing what You’re not doing, and doing what You are doing. I will come to understand where I am in You, and I see my future more clearly than ever before.

No matter what has happened in the past, or what has been happening in the present, I will become a witness for You. I will walk in victory, and I will see the goodness of God in the land of the living!

Thank You for finding me and choosing me to be a change agent on this earth for Your glory. Your Kingdom will come; Your will will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!