Global Citizenship and Human Rights Education Learner voice through Rights Respecting Schools Accreditation
Presenters Klaus Mayer – Education Scotland Sally Peel – Depute Headteacher, St Ninian’s Primary School, Gourock, Inverclyde Council Claire Coggins – Teacher, St Andrew’s Primary School, Greenock, Inverclyde Nikita Cowan and Kenneth Mearns - former pupils of St Andrew’s Primary School
Global Citizenship Education - Background In order for Scotland and its people to succeed and flourish in the globalised 21 st century in which we live, we must all become and live as global citizens. Mike Russell, Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills, Parliamentary Debate March 2010
Contexts Elements International Education Education for Citizenship Sustainable Development Education Confucius Classrooms Olympic & Commonwealth Games Scotland’s Culture Developing Global Citizens
At the heart of the curriculum
‘Developing global citizens’ principles 1.Know, respect and care for the rights, responsibilities, values and opinions of others in Scotland, and understand Scotland’s role within the wider world. 2.Develop an awareness and understanding of engagement in democratic processes and be able to participate in critical thinking and decision making in schools and communities at local, national and international level. 3.Understand the interdependence between people, the environment, and the impacts of actions, both local and global. 4.Appreciate and celebrate the diversity of Scotland’s history, culture and heritage and engage with other cultures and traditions around the world. 5.Demonstrate creative thinking and act responsibly in political, economic, environmental, social and cultural learning.
contexts biodiversity Peace and conflict Sustainable lifestyles Climate change Cultural exchange Holocaust education Children’s rights Equality and diversity Social justice Media literacy Political literacy Fairtrade International development Identity Scotland’s culture and heritageRacism and sectarianism Pupil VOICE! Intergenerational understanding Poverty and exclusion Stereotypes and bias
Outcome Our young people are global citizens today, that, in future, should be able to take up their place in the world, contribute to it confidently, successfully and effectively, understanding rights and responsibilities of working and living in a globalised world.
Embedding global citizenship within Curriculum for Excellence
Social Studies Experiences and Outcomes People, place and the environment EarlyFirstSecondThirdFourth I explore and appreciate the wonder of nature within different environments and have played a part in caring for the environment. SOC 0-08a I can consider ways of looking after my school or community and can encourage others to care for their environment. SOC 1-08a I can discuss the environmental impact of human activity and suggest ways in which we can live in a more environmentally -responsible way. SOC 2-08a I can identify the possible consequences of an environmental issue and make informed suggestions about ways to manage the impact. SOC 3-08a I can discuss the sustainability of key natural resources and analyse the possible implications for human activity. SOC 4-08a
A whole-school approach Transforming learning requires a whole- school approach with a focus on curriculum, campus and community This requires Vision and leadership from SMT Collective ownership and commitment from all Partnerships and engagement with community Support from local authorities Photo: Pink Sherbet Photography, Creative Commons
Community Culture Campus Curriculum Plan for a 5 – 10 year journey A whole school approach
Rights Respecting Schools Awards - Case Study
Introduction: Sally Peel Background of Sacred Heart School Self evaluation using framework for Rights Respecting School Every school is different Bringing everyone on board Sustainability and progression
Nikita and Kenneth: “A few highlights of our six years in a Rights Respecting School”
Practical tasks: 1. A traditional tale of one girl’s struggle to access her Rights 2. Children’s Rights – Know your responsibilities!
Practitioner view: Claire Coggins “How we used the RRS framework to promote equality and fairness through Social Subjects as well as daily work.”
DVD : Impact of RRS on staff, young people and partners in a Primary, Special and High School
Why become a Rights Respecting School? Summary followed by Questions and Answers
Our support
Weather & Climate Change
Exploring Climate Change
Schools Global Footprint Newly updated!
Global Citizenship Calendar 2011/12
Woodacre Nursery School (Glasgow) Friday 18 th November Hamilton Grammar School (South Lanarkshire) Tuesday 22 nd November Garrowhill Primary School (Glasgow City Council) Tuesday 29 nd November To book, Coming up: Open Day Study visits
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