Entrepreneurship Education in Europe Simone Baldassarri Entrepreneurship & Social Economy DG Enterprise and Industry 20 March 2013.


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Presentation transcript:

Entrepreneurship Education in Europe Simone Baldassarri Entrepreneurship & Social Economy DG Enterprise and Industry 20 March 2013

The EU citizens are less eager to be entrepreneurs... Answer to the question “Do you prefer to be self employed or an entrepreneur to being an employee?” 37% 51% 56% In the EU men are more likely than women to prefer self- employment (by a margin of 42% to 33%), while women are more likely to prefer working as an employee (63% to 53%).

1. Entrepreneurial education and training create new generations of entrepreneurs 2. Creating an environment where entrepreneurs can flourish and grow 3. Role models and reaching out = radical cultural change entrepreneurship as 'the new cool’ more involvement of women, unemployed youth, migrants, seniors Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan:

Skills acquired in student companies Personal skills:Business skills: Team working Basic economics Communication Financial literacy Self-confidence Developing market research Taking initiative Drafting a business plan Problem-solving Raising finance Taking calculated risk Sales techniques Leadership Running a business meeting

Cross- ministry and stakeholder cooperation Embed core competences into the national curriculum Train and support teachers Develop a logic chain of learning outcomes and indicators Design a coherent progression from primary to higher education Elements of a Strategy

7 Entrepreneurial approach: Training “in”, learning Also personal competences Flexible, adaptable Training material, cases Student oriented Group process, interaction “Clash room”, diversity More coaching role for teacher Project, interdisciplinary Close to real life and business Action oriented Traditional approach: Education “about” Knowledge in disciplines Fixed study plan Textbooks Teacher oriented Class, individual activity Classroom, homogeneous Lecturing Subjects, disciplines Close to research, academia Study, theory oriented Martin Lauth, 2010

Exchange of experience and good practice, networking Support European projects (co-financing) Publish guidelines and self-assessment tools Studies, work on indicators and data collection Monitoring progress Activities at EU level

Entrepreneurship 2020 – EU level Develop a European network or hub for entrepreneurial learning Reinforce co-operation and the exchange of experience between the Member States

Entrepreneurship 2020 – Member States Embed the key competence "entrepreneurship" into curricula (all levels). Young people should have at least one practical entrepreneurial experience before leaving secondary education (e.g. running a mini-company, being responsible for an entrepreneurial project for a company or a social project, etc.)

Create a Europe-wide on-line mentoring, advisory, educational and business networking platform for women entrepreneurs Entrepreneurship 2020 – EU level