The Age of Exploration 1400s - 1620 The Discovery of the New World School Subject: English Language Grade Level : 8th grade, Mofet Class School: Rogozin B JHS Teacher : Revital Balas
Presented by Revital Balas The Age of Exploration “Exploration is really the essence of the human spirit.“ (Frank Borman) a retired NASA astronaut and engineer, best remembered as the Commander of Apollo 8 Presented by Revital Balas
In the following lesson, you will learn about the Age of Exploration. This period of discovery lasted from about 1418 to 1620. During this time, European explorers made many daring voyages that changed world history. During the lesson we’ll discuss the following themes: What is an explorer and who were some of the main explorers of the time? What is the meaning of the term New World? What was the European view of the world during the 14th century? Which main countries were involved in exploration? What were the reasons for the Age of Exploration? Why is it that European exploration began to flourish in the 1400s? What were some of the effects of European exploration?
Who were some of the main European explorers of the time? What is an explorer? An Explorer is a person who travels seeking new discoveries. Who were some of the main European explorers of the time? Vasco Da Gama Amerigo Vespucci Prince Henry the Navigator Christopher Columbus Ferdinand Magellan
What is the meaning of the term The New World? It is one of the names for North, South and Central America and Australia. The term originated in the late 15th century. What was the European view of the world during the 14th century? In the late 1400s, Europeans did not know much about the world. Most of them had never been outside of Europe. The European map of the world included only Europe, Asia, and the top of Africa (= The Old World). They thought there was only one ocean, the Ocean Sea. Although many people thought the world was flat, educated Europeans knew that it was round. The problem was they had no idea how large the world was.
Which main countries were involved in exploration? Portugal Spain England France What is the difference between this modern map and early maps from the 14th century? What is ‘cartography’ and why was it important at the age of exploration? To answer these questions visit the following site: “History of Cartography”
The first Europeans to explore the unknown New World were the Portuguese. They were the first to sail around the tip of Africa. The king of Portugal supported the voyages of his son, Prince Henry the Navigator. In 1418 Prince Henry started the first school for navigation. Despite the knowledge shared at his school for sailors, Prince Henry had a great deal of difficulty persuading his captains to sail beyond Cape Bojodor off the west coast of Africa. Read the following passage about Prince Henry to find why European sailors feared to sail beyond the equator. How did Prince Henry’s expeditions help Portugal?
Why did European countries begin to explore the New World? Listen to the video clip. Then Click on the link to answer a short quiz.
So why did Europeans explore the world during the Age of Exploration? First, Europeans of this time had several motives for exploring the world. Second, advances in knowledge and technology helped make voyages of discovery possible. Many different European countries paid for explorations for many different reasons. Some of them were: Find new routes to east Asia, which Europeans called the Indies. Establish trading settlements and become wealthy by trading with Asian goods like gold, silver, spices and precious stones. Claim land and gain control over a larger empire. Learn more about geography and expand their knowledge of the world. Introduce Christianity to other cultures. Earn fame and glory. Seek for adventures.
Why is it that European exploration began to flourish in the 1400s? The Age of Exploration began in the midst of the Renaissance, a time of new learning. A number of advances made it easier for explorers to dare and explore the unknown. What were the effects of European exploration? - Click on the link to answer the question. Advances in Knowledge and Technology Results The development of cartography, the art and science of mapmaking. Better maps helped explorers by making navigation easier. There was a dramatic change in Europeans’ view of the world. By the 1400s, Portuguese and Spanish shipbuilders were making an improved ship design called caravels. These ships were small, fast and had shallow bottoms. It was easier for explorers to travel along coastlines where the water was not deep. By the end of the 15th century, the compass was much improved and other tools such as the astrolabe were invented. Sailors used these to find their direction of travel and figure out their distance north or south from the equator. Europeans had powerful weapons such as cannons and guns. These gave Europeans a huge advantage over the people they met in their explorations. Sailors could fire their cannons at targets near the shore without leaving their ships.
Credits: Information and maps were found at these sites: Video from: The Age of Exploration THE GREAT AGE OF EXPLORATION (1400–1550) Why explorers explored the world Europe Influences the World Video from: Discovery Education