Unit 5-Week 4 Day 1 Theme Question: What makes the Central Region special? How are geography and economy connected in the Midwest? (Wk 1) How are geography and economy connected in the South Central States? (Wk 2) What is life like in in the Midwest? (Wk 3) What is life like in the South Central States? (Wk 4)
Theme Vocabulary basin transport delta stretch glide landform flourish diverse mutter
Reading Skim and Scan pp Purpose Find text evidence to answer Focus Question 1: How are geography and economy connected in the Midwest?
Suffixes “-ful”, “-less”, “-ness”, and “-ment” -ful (full of) -less (without) -ness (quality or state of) -ment (act of, result of, state of or condition of) colorfulEndlessFondnessmovement truthfuluselessweaknesstreatment
Unit 5-Week 4, Day 2 Theme Question: What makes the Central Region special? How are geography and economy connected in the Midwest? (Wk 1) How are geography and economy connected in the South Central States? (Wk 2) What is life like in in the Midwest? (Wk 3) What is life like in the South Central States? (Wk 4)
Theme Vocabulary basin transport delta stretch glide landform flourish diverse mutter
Determine Important Information page # Important IdeasSupporting Details p. 280 p. 281
Reading Preview and Predict pp : A Tour of the Central Region AND Marven of the Great North Woods Purpose Record text evidence as the selections are reread. Answer Focus Question 2: How are geography and economy connected in the South Central States?
Unit 5-Week 4, Day 3 What is the Theme Question? Name the theme vocabulary words and their meanings?
Review Using antonyms Using a thesaurus Using similes
Identify Cause and Effect page #CauseEffect p. 286Influenza is spreading through Duluth and making a lot of people very ill. Marven’s family sends him to a logging camp for the winter. p.292 p.298 p. 300
Reading Reread (pp ) Purpose Reread to find text evidence and also think about the author’s purpose. Answer Focus Question 3: What is life like in the Midwest?
Determine Important Information page # Important IdeasSupporting Details pp pp
Word Study Greek and Latin Words root wordwordmeaning phon-phonographsound photo-photographlight mot-motionmove spec-spectatorlook vid-videographersee sign-signaturesign graph-graphicswrite
Unit 5-Week 4, Day 4 What is the Theme Question? Name the theme vocabulary words and their meanings. What’s the first word that comes to mind when you hear each word?
Theme Vocabulary basin transport delta stretch glide landform flourish diverse mutter
Sort the words “Content”, “Both”, and “Everyday”
Reading Skim and Scan pp Purpose Find text evidence to answer Focus Question 4: What is life like in the South Central States?
Word Study Greek and Latin Roots root wordwordmeaning phon-phonographsound photo-photographlight mot-motionmove spec-spectatorlook vid-videographersee sign-signaturesign graph-graphicswrite