Presented by Bsc. Accounting Level 200 - Group 13 Presentation on RECENT INCREASE IN GRADUATE UNEMPLOYMENT IN GHANA ; ‘ WHAT HAS GONE WRONG AND THE WAY FORWARD’. Presented by Bsc. Accounting Level 200 - Group 13
INTRODUCTION A graduate is someone who has received a degree or diploma on completing a course of study in a recognized university or college. According to the Ghana Statistical Service an unemployed person includes persons who do not work but are actively looking for work or are at least available to take up work if they are offered to them but cannot get them. Graduate unemployment is where people with university degrees or qualifications cannot find decent work.
CAUSES OF GRADUATE UNEMPLOYMENT The near collapse of Ghana’s industrial base. Inadequate capital on the part of firms and graduates. Unattractive Agricultural Sector of Ghana. Slow growth in GDP in the context of rapidly expanding labor force.
SUGGESTED SOLUTIONS TO GRADUATE UNEMPLOYMENT Reviving the industrial sector: The government has to enact laws and implement policies that will bring industrial development which will create a conducive environment for the expansion of the private sector . State owned enterprises should be well managed to improve efficiency and growth.
There should be enough measures put in place to ensure that capital is made available for firms and entrepreneurs, these should include low interest loans as well as subsidized input and machinery prices. This encourages more firms to expand their activities which help to create more jobs in the country to help absorb majority of these graduates
Government should play a major role in making this sector more attractive. They should encourage investors and farmers to introduce commercial farming systems and more modernized systems of farming in the country. They should also subsidize farm inputs and machineries for farmers and people who wish to enter into agriculture.
Enhancing economic growth: This should be a top priority for government in that without strong economic growth little will be changed in terms of unemployment for labor force. In this perspective, government is again urged to pursue policies and programs which promotes good investments climates and which allow the private sector to flourish to complement growth opportunities in the public sector.
CONCLUSION Graduate unemployment is a problem that persist in almost every country in the world. It might not be completely wiped off or completely done away with but with the measures discussed above , it is quiet clear it can be reduced. Therefore, if the measures are correctly put in place and applied, graduate unemployment will be reduced to an extent where it seizes to be a major underlying problem.