Purposeful Leadership – Module 1 Leadership & Personal Accountability (:60) On headset with working micNo headset, using chat box
2 Purposeful Leadership Leadership and Personal Accountability Balancing structure and freedom Leading Change Coaching Opportunities Hard Conversations Emotional Intelligence They build on each other, AND they stand alone
Learning Objectives Understand how my beliefs influence my actions and credibility as a leader Identify what’s important to me about leadership
4 Agenda Who’s here and where are we going? (:10) Beliefs and their impact on what we see and do Breakout discussion (:10) Main room discussion (:10) What does leadership mean/look like to me? Breakout (:10) Main room discussion (:10) Summary (:10)
6 Once you are in your breakout room and the instructions slide is pushed out, you will see a menu like above where you can navigate to a blank page and enter group discussion Notes. Use this same menu to go back and forth between the instructions slide and your “notes” page. 1. In your breakout group, ….. 2.Read the quote and ….. 3.Summarize your thoughts using ….. Breakout Discussion Writing on whiteboard in breakout rooms
7 Click on the drop down menu then pick the blank page you want to go to jot down thoughts/notes. 1. In your breakout group, ….. 2.Read the quote and ….. 3.Summarize your thoughts using …..
88 other
9 Leadership… Anytime anyone steps up and does something in an effort to improve the whole
Ladder of Inference Why is it important to be aware of our beliefs? From Chris Argyris, Professor Emeritus, Harvard Business School
11 Breakout Discussion Review your choices on the beliefs test with each other. The goal is not to reach consensus but to find out why you chose what you did and to ask ourselves “how are my beliefs about leadership influencing where I look for it?” Take :10 to discuss and capture your thoughts on the whiteboard page in your breakout room Have someone ready to summarize when we come back to the main room
12 “There is the dominant belief that leadership should come from the top and bosses are in some way responsible for their employees’ performance and morale, much as loving parents are responsible for their children. Holding on to this line of thought represents the choice of dependency over empowerment. Empowerment means that each member is responsible for creating the organization’s culture, for delivering outcomes to its customers and especially for the quality of their own experience. This is the adventure…” Peter Block, Stewardship P C A P C A This is a “partnership”/ Adult to Adult system or belief mindset
13 The Beliefs Check I don’t believe at all I believe is fairly true I very much believe A) Real, sustainable change must be planned out and driven from the top. B) There is certain information that employees can’t handle and should be kept from them. C) Management is responsible for making sure their direct reports are satisfied in their jobs. D) Employees must receive recognition and rewards from management to stay motivated. E) Most people are fundamentally trustworthy and when provided the whole picture will do what’s right for the business over personal gain. F) Management is responsible for creating the kind of culture where employees can flourish and be innovative. G) Employees would rather be told what to do and not be held accountable rather than think and decide for themselves P C A P C A This is a “patriarchal” parent/child system or belief mindset
14 The Beliefs Check I don’t believe at all I believe is fairly true I very much believe A) Real, sustainable change must be planned out and driven from the top. B) There is certain information that employees can’t handle and should be kept from them. C) Management is responsible for making sure their direct reports are satisfied in their jobs. D) Employees must receive recognition and rewards from management to stay motivated. E) Most people are fundamentally trustworthy and when provided the whole picture will do what’s right for the business over personal gain. F) Management is responsible for creating the kind of culture where employees can flourish and be innovative. G) Employees would rather be told what to do and not be held accountable rather than think and decide for themselves P C A P C A This is a “partnership” Adult/Adult system or belief mindset
15 Breakout Discussion What 2-3 key behaviors/characteristics define leadership for you? Discuss with the others in your group and note any themes. Take :10 to discuss in your breakout room (use your whiteboard to capture your thoughts and have someone from the group be ready to summarize)
16 Suggestions… 1)When addressing a challenging situation others, make your assumptions and beliefs public to help you stay aware of and manage them “Hey guys, my current thinking is that ……, so help me if I get too adamant about…” 2) When discussing “facts” and “data”, ask yourself, “am I looking only at the data that supports my position?”
17 “We must forgo the notion that it is the role of the leader to be fully accountable. We must no longer believe that real change in any organization can only start at the top. We must accept responsibility for ourselves, for the relationships and partnerships to which we belong, and for the work of the organization. We must understand and act on our role as co- creator. To make this new understanding and practice of leadership a reality, we must accept responsibility and accountability for the workgroup even if we don’t have the authority we have long thought we needed.” Closing thought… ~ Russ Moxley, Leadership and Spirit
18 Questions? Comments?