Wordlist 39 Attack of the Fire Ants
1. Appendage (n.) Definition: an arm, leg, or other body part Synonym: attachment, adjunct Example: He had a tattoo on every visible appendage. Word Family: ap·pend·aged, adjective un·ap·pend·aged, adjective
2. Initiate (v.) Definition: to cause something to begin Synonym: begin, start off, commence Example: Who initiated the violence? Word Family: in·i·ti·a·tor, noun non·in·i·ti·ate, noun pre·in·i·ti·ate, verb (used with object), pre·in·i·ti·at·ed, pre·in·i·ti·at·ing. pre·in·i·ti·ate, noun qua·si-in·i·ti·at·ed, adjective
3. Tramp (n.) Definition: a person with no home, job, or money Synonym: vagrant, homeless Example: Word Family:
4. Thrive (v.) Definition: to grow or develop vigorously; flourish Synonym: flourish, prosper Example: The children thrived in the country. Word Family: thriv·er, noun thriv·ing·ly, adverb un·thriv·ing, adjective
5. Habitat (n.) Definition: the natural environment in which an animal or plant usually lives Synonym: natural surrounding, home Example: With so many areas of woodland being cut down, a lot of wildlife is losing its natural habitat. Word Family:
6. Arch (v.) Definition: to form an arch Synonym: bow, bend, arc Example: elms arching over the road. Word Family:
7. Virtually (adv.) Definition: almost Synonym: almost, nearly Example: Their twins are virtually identical. Word Family:
8. Welt (n.) Definition: a raised, red area of skin caused by being hit or by cuts healing Synonym: weal, whelk Example: a red itching welt Word Family:
9. Forearm (n.) Definition: the lower part of the arm, between the wrist and the elbow Synonym: Example: His forearm was injured. Word Family:
10. Necrotic (adj.) Definition: related to death of a circumscribed portion of animal or plant tissue Synonym: Example: Word Family:
11. Anaphylactic (adj.) Definition: exaggerated allergic reaction to a foreign protein resulting from previous exposure to it. Synonym: Example: Word Family:
12. Wheezing (n.) Definition: making a high, rough noise while breathing because of some breathing difficulty Synonym: asthmatic, breathless Example: He could hear a wheezing sound from the room. Word Family:
13. Mast Cell (n.) Definition: a large granular cell, common in connective tissue, that produces heparin, histamine, and serotonin. Synonym: Example: Word Family:
14. Neutralize (v.) Definition: to stop something from having an effect Synonym: nullify, negate Example: The aerial bombardments have neutralized the threat of artillery attacks on allied ground forces. Word Family: neu·tral·iz·er, noun o·ver·neu·tral·ize, verb (used with object), o·ver·neu·tral·ized, o·ver·neu·tral·iz·ing. o·ver·neu·tral·iz·er, noun re·neu·tral·ize, verb, re·neu·tral·ized, re·neu·tral·iz·ing. un·neu·tral·ize, verb (used with object), un·neu·tral·ized, un·neu·tral·iz·ing.