▶ Phrase Check ▶ Word Check ☞ Write the meanings of the words. ☞ Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank TOEFL Reading Becomes public, was declared, what is worse, resulting in, position as 21. Leprosy, disability, was declared officially eliminated in India. 장애를 야기하는 한센병이 인도에서 완전히 없어진 것으로 선포되었다. 22. India can lose its a leprosy free country. 인도는 한센병 없는 국가라는 위치를 잃을 수 있다. 23. Leprosy, an ancient disease that causes lesions on the skin and attacks nerves in the hands and feet, officially eliminated in India. 피부에 병변을 일으키고 손과 발의 신경을 공격하는 이 고대병인 한센병이 인도에서 완전히 없어진 것으로 선포되었다. 24., the disfiguring disease occurs among children. 설상가상으로 이 형태를 망가뜨리는 질병이 아이들 사이에서 일어난다. 25. They will be stigmatized by their community if news of their illness. 그들의 질병이 세상에 알려질 때 그들은 동네 사람들에 의해 낙인 찍힐 것이다. * 총 33 문항, 각 문제당 3 점씩 배점 1. leprosy2. eliminate 3. poverty-stricken4. district 5. exceed6. indicate 7. urgent8. address 9. sanitation10. overcrowding 11. lesion12. flourish 13. disfigure14. involve 15. incidence16. progress 17. reverse18. stigmatize 19. congested20. locality
▶ Reading Comprehension ☞ Choose the best answer based on the article. Leprosy in India Leprosy, which was officially declared eliminated in India six years ago, is now spreading in poverty-stricken areas of the country. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) in India, there are about 209 out of 640 districts where the number of new cases exceeds the WHO target of less than 10 new cases per 100,000. That indicates that nearly a third of India’s districts needed urgent attention to address the spread of new infection. “India is the biggest contributor to the global burden with 120,000 new cases per year,” said Nata Menabde, the head of the WHO in India. In 2005, leprosy, an ancient disease that causes lesions on the skin and attacks nerves in the hands and feet, resulting in disability, was declared officially eliminated in India as the country met the WHO guidelines on prevalence rates. According to the WHO guidelines, if the prevalence rate falls below one case per 10,000 people, a government is allowed to declare that leprosy is no longer a public disease in its country. What is worse, the disfiguring disease occurs among children. Some 10 percent of the new cases involve children. The high incidence among children shows that the transmission rate is very high. It suggests that progress against leprosy can also reverse and India can lose its position as a leprosy free country. Vivek Pai, director of the non-profit Bombay Leprosy Project, said that leprosy’s most common victims come from a low socio-economic background and fear that they will be stigmatized by their community if news of their illness becomes public. Many people who come to the center with new infections live in congested localities like Dharavi, a huge slum in Mumbai. Sanitation, overcrowding, poverty, all contribute to the environment that allows leprosy to flourish TOEFL Reading 26. According to the article, Leprosy _____ ① has been declared as eliminated within the districts of India. ② causes people to be stigmatized by the community if news of their disease becomes public. ③ Is an ancient disease that causes lesions of the skin and attacks nerves in the hands and feet, resulting in disability. ④ Can be declared as a public non-issue if the prevalence rate falls below 10 in 10,000.
☞ Write True(T) or False(F). ▶ Composition ☞ Complete the sentence. 33. 김 씨의 당선은 무효가 되었다. Mr. Kim's election invalid TOEFL Reading 27. How many districts need urgent attention to address the spread of new infection? ① Because of India's massive population, urgent attention is required in all districts within the country. ② Urgent Attention is required in 640 districts within india. ③ Urgent Attention is required in 209; or nearly one-third of the districts within India. ④ Urgent Attneion is required in over 10,000 districts and slums of India. 28. What does the high incidence of leprosy among children tell us? ① It shows that children are the greatest at risk. ② It shows that the transmission rate is extremely high. ③ It shows that the children will be stigmatized by the community because of their disease. ④ It shows that children are not careful enough when it comes to hygeine and health care. 29 Which of the following most closely means 'congested' from the 4th paragraph? ① Dirty ② Open ③ Poverty-stricken ④ Crowded 30. India is the biggest contributor to the global burden due to its 120,000 new cases of leprosy reported each year. _____ 31. Leprosy's most common victims typically come from a low socio-economic background. _____ 32. The high incidence rate among children indicates that adults are immune from leprosy. _____
▶ Phrase Check ▶ Word Check ☞ Write the meanings of the words. ☞ Choose the correct word or phrase for each blank TOEFL Reading Becomes public, was declared, what is worse, resulting in, position as 21. Leprosy, resulting in disability, was declared officially eliminated in India. 장애를 야기하는 한센병이 인도에서 완전히 없어진 것으로 선포되었다. 22. India can lose its position as a leprosy free country. 인도는 한센병 없는 국가라는 위치를 잃을 수 있다. 23. Leprosy, an ancient disease that causes lesions on the skin and attacks nerves in the hands and feet, was declared officially eliminated in India. 피부에 병변을 일으키고 손과 발의 신경을 공격하는 이 고대병인 한센병이 인도에서 완전히 없어진 것으로 선포되었다. 24. What is worse, the disfiguring disease occurs among children. 설상가상으로 이 형태를 망가뜨리는 질병이 아이들 사이에서 일어난다. 25. They will be stigmatized by their community if news of their illness becomes public. 그들의 질병이 세상에 알려질 때 그들은 동네 사람들에 의해 낙인 찍힐 것이다. * 총 33 문항, 각 문제당 3 점씩 배점 1. leprosy [ 나병, 한센병 ]2. eliminate [ 제거하다, 없애다 ] 3. poverty-stricken [ 가난에 시달리는 ]4. district [ 지구, 지역 ] 5. exceed [ 초과하다 ]6. indicate [~ 을 나타내다 ] 7. urgent [ 긴급한 ]8. address [ 다루다 ] 9. sanitation [ 위생 ]10. overcrowding [ 과밀 ] 11. lesion [ 병변 ]12. flourish [ 번성하다 ] 13. disfigure [ 외관을 망가뜨리다 ]14. involve [ 포함하다, 관계시키다 ] 15. incidence [ 발생 ]16. progress [ 진보 ] 17. reverse [ 뒤집다, 반대로 하다 ]18. stigmatize [ 오명을 씌우다, 낙인을 찍다 ] 19. congested [ 혼잡한 ]20. locality [ 장소, 지방 ]
▶ Reading Comprehension ☞ Choose the best answer based on the article TOEFL Reading 26. According to the article, Leprosy _____ [3] ① has been declared as eliminated within the districts of India. ② causes people to be stigmatized by the community if news of their disease becomes public. ③ Is an ancient disease that causes lesions of the skin and attacks nerves in the hands and feet, resulting in disability. ④ Can be declared as a public non-issue if the prevalence rate falls below 10 in 10,000. Leprosy in India Leprosy, which was officially declared eliminated in India six years ago, is now spreading in poverty-stricken areas of the country. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) in India, there are about 209 out of 640 districts where the number of new cases exceeds the WHO target of less than 10 new cases per 100,000. That indicates that nearly a third of India’s districts needed urgent attention to address the spread of new infection. “India is the biggest contributor to the global burden with 120,000 new cases per year,” said Nata Menabde, the head of the WHO in India. In 2005, leprosy, an ancient disease that causes lesions on the skin and attacks nerves in the hands and feet, resulting in disability, was declared officially eliminated in India as the country met the WHO guidelines on prevalence rates. According to the WHO guidelines, if the prevalence rate falls below one case per 10,000 people, a government is allowed to declare that leprosy is no longer a public disease in its country. What is worse, the disfiguring disease occurs among children. Some 10 percent of the new cases involve children. The high incidence among children shows that the transmission rate is very high. It suggests that progress against leprosy can also reverse and India can lose its position as a leprosy free country. Vivek Pai, director of the non-profit Bombay Leprosy Project, said that leprosy’s most common victims come from a low socio-economic background and fear that they will be stigmatized by their community if news of their illness becomes public. Many people who come to the center with new infections live in congested localities like Dharavi, a huge slum in Mumbai. Sanitation, overcrowding, poverty, all contribute to the environment that allows leprosy to flourish.
☞ Write True(T) or False(F). ▶ Composition ☞ Complete the sentence. 33. 김 씨의 당선은 무효가 되었다. Mr. Kim's election was declared invalid TOEFL Reading 27. How many districts need urgent attention to address the spread of new infection? [3] ① Because of India's massive population, urgent attention is required in all districts within the country. ② Urgent Attention is required in 640 districts within india. ③ Urgent Attention is required in 209; or nearly one-third of the districts within India. ④ Urgent Attneion is required in over 10,000 districts and slums of India. 28. What does the high incidence of leprosy among children tell us? [2] ① It shows that children are the greatest at risk. ② It shows that the transmission rate is extremely high. ③ It shows that the children will be stigmatized by the community because of their disease. ④ It shows that children are not careful enough when it comes to hygeine and health care. 29 Which of the following most closely means 'congested' from the 4th paragraph? [4] ① Dirty ② Open ③ Poverty-stricken ④ Crowded 30. India is the biggest contributor to the global burden due to its 120,000 new cases of leprosy reported each year. [T] 31. Leprosy's most common victims typically come from a low socio-economic background. [T] 32. The high incidence rate among children indicates that adults are immune from leprosy. [F]