S USTAINABILITY C ONFERENCE M ARKETING IN A N EW E CONOMY : OPPORTUNITIES AND GAPS Who is in the room? Understanding the New Economy Our working framework Opportunity evaluation Gap identification Nelson Soler and MEI, iInc 2009© All rights reserved.
W HO IS IN THE ROOM ? What is your primary expectation?
A BOUT THE F ACILITATOR Nelson Soler, Chief Solutions Officer 15 years of experience MBA/MS, Electrical Engineer, Economist 2007 US SBA Minority Business Champion for Wisconsin Multicultural Entrepreneurship Institute, Inc Assist entrepreneurs in realizing their business ownership and growth dreams Training Business Coaching Marketing 248 entrepreneurs trained
N EW E CONOMY What do we know about the new economy? LEAN Economist argue that during a down cycle small business flourish Businesses become more effective Strategize Innovate Manage “The best stimulus package a business can have is its own creativity”
N EW T RENDS Green, sustainable & recycling Luxury and specialty Used/Repair/ Do it your self syndrome Generational products and services Healthy Technology
Eenvironment O UR F RAMEWORK Us & Uniqueness Potential Customers Marketing Environment
U S AND O PPORTUNITY Uniqueness Core competencies Value added Three choices when faced with opportunities for which we have no core skills Enhance – through training Acquire – purchase Partner
C USTOMERS AND O PPORTUNITY Their unmet needs and wants are source of new ideas & “niches” Promoters and Advocates Source of improvement Your boss Promoters Clients Customers
N ICHE MARKET Small market with definite characteristics Demographics Geographical Scope Psychographics Examples
M ARKETING A business strategy through which we communicate our unique proposition to our intended audience (or our market niche). All strategies require resources Time Money
M ARKETING Advertising Direct Mail Newspapers Flyers, business cards, stationary Word of mouth Branding Public Relations Promote your unique proposition Community Work Sales and Customer Service Certifications Portfolios** Advertising Internet presence Blogging Social Media Public relations Seminars Tips and articles Advocacy Green Strategic Alliances Relational sales and exceptional customer service traditionalnontraditional
T IPS FOR A NEW ECONOMY -FRASI Be focused Your mission, your uniqueness Be relevant Evaluate your core skills Engage clients in your business Enhance/Acquire or Partner to upgrade your core skills Be aware Understand where the new opportunities lie Be strategic Don’t stop marketing support your unique proposition Be innovative Embrace new trends Internet, Strategic Alliance, Add Value
T OP TEN BUSINESSES Beauty specialty services Fast food Consulting Credit counseling Sale and/or production of Organic and healthy products Green and sustainable construction Specialty services for the affluent Specialty services for the aging population Niche traveling Repair shops – cars, furniture, electronics Surveys from entrepreneur.com
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