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Presentation transcript:

UNCLASSIFIED Security Cooperation and the Combatant Commands Brig Gen Maryanne Miller Deputy Director Partnership Strategy The overall classification for this brief is UNCLASSIFIED/FOUO 1

UNCLASSIFIED Security Cooperation and Building Partner Capacity Overview -Foundational Requirements -Security Cooperation Reform Context -Factors contributing to BPC -Your role -Closing thoughts 2

UNCLASSIFIED Foundational Requirements President Barack Obama “As we end today's wars, we will focus on a broader range of challenges and opportunities, including the security and prosperity of the Asia Pacific. As a new generation across the Middle East and North Africa demands their universal rights, we are supporting political and economic reform and deepening partnerships to ensure regional security. In contrast to the murderous vision of violent extremists, we are joining with allies and partners around the world to build their capacity to promote security, prosperity, and human dignity. And the growing capabilities of allies and partners, as demonstrated in the successful mission to protect the Libyan people, create new opportunities for burden-sharing.” 3

UNCLASSIFIED Foundational Requirements Sustaining U.S. Global Leadership: Priorities for 21st Century Defense (pg. 3) “ Building partnership capacity elsewhere in the world also remains important for sharing costs and responsibilities of global leadership. Across the globe we will seek to be the security partner of choice, pursuing new partnerships with a growing number of nations—including those in Africa and Latin America—whose interests and viewpoints are emerging into a common vision of freedom, stability and prosperity. Whenever possible, we will develop innovative, low-cost and small- footprint approaches to achieve our security objectives, relying on exercise, rotational presence, and advisory capabilities.” 4

2006 Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) 2006 Building Partner Capacity (BPC) Roadmap March 2009 meeting between the President and Combatant Commanders: “…conduct an initial review of requirements, authorities, and constraints associated with DoD aspects of security assistance.” [National Security Advisor] June 2009 SecDef’s Initial Review : “Many of the issues identified in this assessment cannot be addressed by DOD alone, so the Department’s key recommendation is that the NSC lead a follow-on review…” [SecDef] December 2009 Shared Responsibilities / Pooled Resources Concept : “…debates have taxed the time and energy of our departments and do not meet the nation’s long-term needs.” [SecDef] December 2009 Export Control Reform : “…a broad-based interagency review of the current U.S. export control system.” [POTUS] July 2010 Security Cooperation Reform Task Force : … [DepSecDef] July 2010 CJCS Assessment of Foreign Military Sales (FMS) … [CJCS] July 2010 Technology Security and Foreign Disclosure (TS&FD) Review : “…balance the often-conflicting DoD policy objectives of building allied and friendly nation partner capacity while maintaining U.S. leading-edge capabilities…” [DepSecDef] Security Cooperation Reform Context UNCLASSIFIED 5

USML vs CCL OHDACA Lift & Sustain CRSP ACSA US Exports Advocacy Yockey Waiver ENDP CFIUS PKO INCLE IMET DIRI SPP CTFP MODA CCIF FMFFMF PCCF CN CSF JCET CE2 FMS Prioritization & Process Refinement Arms Transfer & Technology Release SSG Public Private Partnerships IPC National Disclosure Policy Committee Technology Security & Foreign Disclosure Export Control Reform Security Sector Assistance IPC Security Cooperation Reform Task Force Process G-TSCMIS Tool Security Cooperation Workforce Education & Training Expeditionary Requirements Generation Teams Activity DoD Title 10 Funding Authority State Title 22 Funding Authority Train & Equip Coalition Partners Authority/ Resources Global Security Contingency Fund Special Defense Acquisition Funds (Stockpile) Mass Atrocity Prevention & Response Operations EducateIMET Regional Centers EducateIMET Humanitarian Assistance/ Disaster Relief Program BuildingPartnerCapacityBuildingPartnerCapacity Many Factors Contribute to Building Partner Capacity UNCLASSIFIED Bilateral/ Multilateral Exercises Access & Basing Agreements Country Specific Specific FMS Info Excess Defense Articles High Level Defense Talks Regional Forums Freedom of Navigation & Port Visits Humanitarian Assistance State Partnership Program UN Peacekeeping Ops Regionals/ CCMDs 6

USML vs CCL OHDACA US Exports ENDP CFIUS IMET FMFFMF PCCF FMS Prioritization & Process Refinement Arms Transfer & Technology Release SSG Public Private Partnerships IPC National Disclosure Policy Committee Technology Security & Foreign Disclosure Export Control Reform Security Sector Assistance IPC Process Tool Activity Train & Equip Coalition Partners Authority/ Resources Global Security Contingency Fund Mass Atrocity Prevention & Response Operations EducateIMET Regional Centers EducateIMET Humanitarian Assistance/ Disaster Relief Program BuildingPartnerCapacityBuildingPartnerCapacity Many Factors Contribute to Building Partner Capacity UNCLASSIFIED Access & Basing Agreements Lift & Sustain CRSP 1202 ACSA Advocacy Yockey Waiver PKO INCLE MODA CCIF CN CTFP CSF DIRI JCET SPP CE2 Security Cooperation Reform Task Force G-TSCMIS Security Cooperation Workforce Education & Training Expeditionary Requirements Generation Teams DoD Title 10 Funding Authority State Title 22 Funding Authority Special Defense Acquisition Funds (Stockpile) Bilateral/ Multilateral Exercises Country Specific Specific FMS Info Excess Defense Articles High Level Defense Talks State Partnership Program UN Peacekeeping Ops Regionals/ CCMDs “Interagency Efforts” Humanitarian Assistance Freedom of Navigation & Port Visits Regional Forums Interagency (outline) 7

Your Role UNCLASSIFIED 8 Provide the strategic-to-operational link to the partner country from the CCMD and the Joint Staff Match U.S./CCMD objectives with partner requirements (or desires) Often can better translate what the partner says they want into what they may, in fact, need These needs must be aligned with the CCMD’s Country Plan and the Theater Campaign Plan Can include FMS, FMF, IMET, bilateral exercise opportunities, or coalition efforts Laundry list of responsibilities in DISAM’s The Management of Security Cooperation, aka the “Green Book”

UNCLASSIFIED TCP Handbook Foundational Training 9

UNCLASSIFIED Closing thoughts UNCLASSIFIED 10 Don’t hesitate to reach out to the Joint Staff Encourage dialog with your regional directorate Regional and functional directorates can help provide clarity/coordination on JS policy/program objectives We coordinate many key programs, 1206, GSCF, FMF, IMET, HA/DR, Exceptions to National Disclosure Policy Can provide reach-back to OSD

UNCLASSIFIED The overall classification for this brief is UNCLASSIFIED/FOUO UNCLASSIFIED Questions / Discussion