FERC’s 2004 Information Assessment Team (FIAT) A-3
On January 12, 2004, Chairman Pat Wood created an inter-office team to assess what information the Commission needs to understand and oversee energy markets, with particular emphasis on ensuring market transparency Team Mandate
Alignment with Strategic Plan Objective 2.1: Advance Competitive Market Institutions Across the Entire Country: Develop Means of Ensuring Transparency of Market and Transmission Information
The Team Set Three Goals Goal 1: Develop New Information Collections That Ensure Greater Market Transparency
Goal 1 Process Team will survey FERC staff, federal and state agencies, and selected industry and trade association representatives Team will evaluate responses Team will assess confidentiality and information sharing concerns
Goal 1 Deliverable Draft rulemaking or order proposing new information collections or filing requirements that address the need for greater market transparency
Goal 2 Develop a Proposal to Reduce or Eliminate Some Current Information Collection(s) and/or Filing Requirement(s)
Goal 2 Process Identify all current information collections and filing requirements Identify current information collection(s) that can be reduced or eliminated Survey FERC staff and outside constituents
Goal 2 Deliverable Draft rulemaking or order proposing to reduce or delete certain current information collections or filing requirements
Goal 3 Propose An Effective Process For Institutionalizing A Continuous Commission- Wide Review of Current And New Information Needs
Goal 3 Process Team will design a process for continuous review of current and new information collections Team will propose needed IT support and data warehousing plan Team will suggest organizational changes necessary to implement plan
Goal 3 Deliverable Propose a process and implementation plan for continuous review
Team Members Virginia Strasser, Team Leader, OAL Samuel Berrios, Jr., OED William O. Blome, OGC James B. Caruso, OMOI Edward J. Fowlkes, OEP Andrew D. Hinz, OED Joseph Lynch, OGC Michael P. Miller, OED Michelle E. Veloso, OMTR