FERC Information Assessment Team (FIAT) March 2, 2005 Commission Meeting Final Recommendations.


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Presentation transcript:

FERC Information Assessment Team (FIAT) March 2, 2005 Commission Meeting Final Recommendations

2 On January 12, 2004, the Chairman convened an inter- office team (FIAT) and charged the team to assess the Commission’s information needs to promote greater transparency in electricity markets Background

3 Goal 1: Identify what information is needed to promote greater transparency in electricity markets Goal 2: Propose ways to reduce reporting burden through the elimination, reduction, streamlining or reformatting of current information collections Goal 3: Propose plan to institutionalize continuous Commission-wide review of information needs. Team Goals

4 Past Year’s Events One year ago, presented team’s goals to the Commission In April 2004, submitted Interim Report to the Chairman presenting staff- generated ideas

5 Designed and sent goal 1 and 2 surveys to FERC staff, Federal agencies, trade associations, NARUC and Federal power authorities Held follow-up meetings with trade associations Past Year’s Events (cont.)

6 In July 2004, summarized survey results for the Chairman In Oct. 2004, reported tentative recommendations to Chairman and senior staff In Jan. 2005, reached consensus on Final Recommendations Past Year’s Events (cont.)

7 Final Recommendations There are three Goal 1 and seven Goal 2 recommendations ready to be drafted into proposed rules The team has submitted a plan to implement a continuous information review process

8 Goal 1 Final Recommendations

9 Total Transfer Capability (TTC) Available Transfer Capability (ATC) Transmission Reliability Margin (TRM), with Capacity Benefit Margin (CBM) stated separately by region 1. Adopt or modify new NERC definitions and methodologies for:

10 2. Require the posting on OASIS of: Standardized definitions of TTC, ATC, TRM, CBM, and Simultaneous import capability (SIC)

11 3.Obtain standardized, accessible generator run status information on a confidential basis: This information is relevant to economic dispatch and market power analyses

12 Goal 2 Final Recommendations

13 Delete outmoded filing procedures Provide option to file in Excel spreadsheet format Reduce certain data requirements such as identifying utility codes 1. FERC Form 73 – Oil Pipeline Service Life Data

14 Change requirement to file progress report from semi-annually to annually Eliminate need to identify proposed generation market area and related power system information at preliminary permit stage 2. FERC 512 – Application for Preliminary Permit

15  Eliminate need for utilities owning nuclear units to file information on each purchase and sale of investments  Require continued internal maintenance of those records 3. FERC 516/ Order 580 – Nuclear Plant Decommissioning Trust Fund Guidelines

16 Require the e-filing of FERC 520 data AND FERC 520 – Application for Authorization of Interlocking Directorates

17 Form 561 – Annual Report of Interlocking Directorates FERC 566 – Annual Report of Utility’s 20 Largest Purchasers Require submission of information in electronic, web-based format Create database to cross- reference captured information Coordinate filed information with FERC 520 compliance reviews

18 5. FERC 523 – Application for Authorization to Issue Securities Convert filing to electronic, web- based format Facilitate easier staff financial analyses of filed data

19 6. FERC 576 – Report of Gas Service Interruptions Update filing methods and standardize filing format Provide CEII protection to safeguard pipeline security Develop filing tracking method E-notify staff of filings

20 7. FERC 588 – Emergency Natural Gas Sale, Transportation, and Exchange Transactions Update filing method and standardize filing format Provide CEII protection to safeguard sensitive information Develop filing tracking method E-notify staff of filings

21 Goal 3: Create Standing Cross-Office Team Charged with Ongoing Review of New and Current Information Needs Proposed Team Name: ICAT (Information Collection Assessment Team) Proposed Logo:

22 Team Members Virginia Strasser, Team Leader, OAL Samuel Berrios, Jr., OMOI William O. Blome, OGC James B. Caruso, OMOI (now retired) Edward J. Fowlkes, OEP Joseph Lynch, OGC Michael P. Miller, OED Patricia Morris, OMOI Michelle E. Veloso, OMTR Nicole Wilson, Signal IT (contractor)