PIT Technology and Hatchery Mitigation J. Murauskas and J. Miller 0 Use of PIT technology to improve hatchery mitigation in the Columbia Presented by Josh Murauskas and Joe Miller January 27, 2015
PIT Technology and Hatchery Mitigation J. Murauskas and J. Miller 1 Over 130 facilities Outdated agreements Columbia R. Hatcheries Columbia R. Chinook hatchery releases (from Levin et al. 2001)
PIT Technology and Hatchery Mitigation J. Murauskas and J. Miller 2 The Concept of Salmon Mitigation Pre-projectUnavoidable lossMitigationPost-project
PIT Technology and Hatchery Mitigation J. Murauskas and J. Miller 3
PIT Technology and Hatchery Mitigation J. Murauskas and J. Miller 4 Juvenile survival = 93% Returns = 46,500 wild fish –Shortage of 3,500 adults Hatchery SAR = 0.5% 700,000 smolts to mitigate loss Example Mitigation Calculation using PITs
PIT Technology and Hatchery Mitigation J. Murauskas and J. Miller 5 Example Baseline Estimates 5
PIT Technology and Hatchery Mitigation J. Murauskas and J. Miller 6 What is Fish Performance? Juvenile survival Smolt-to-adult returns Age structure –All estimable with PITs
PIT Technology and Hatchery Mitigation J. Murauskas and J. Miller 7 Example Comparison of Programs 700,000 smolts 0.5% SAR 20% Age 3 returns 2,800 Age 4+ adults 400,000 smolts 1.3% SAR 10% Age 3 Returns 4,680 Age 4+ adults
PIT Technology and Hatchery Mitigation J. Murauskas and J. Miller 8 Age Structure (Chelan River, BY 2008) n = 107n = 175
PIT Technology and Hatchery Mitigation J. Murauskas and J. Miller 9 Reminder of PIT Infrastructure
PIT Technology and Hatchery Mitigation J. Murauskas and J. Miller 10 Reduced phenotypic discrepancies with wild fish Minimized hatchery footprint Maximize value of dollar invested Improved nurture to meet nature’s design Incentive-based Hatchery Programs
PIT Technology and Hatchery Mitigation J. Murauskas and J. Miller 11 Mitigation should involve calculation of: –The size of the pie –How best to replace your piece By improving mitigation strategies, we can enhance harvest and conservation programs Our PIT infrastructure a great backbone Summary
PIT Technology and Hatchery Mitigation J. Murauskas and J. Miller 12 Questions?