1 Santa Fe Elementary School A++ School of Excellence 2009 & 2013 Spanish Immersion Principal Rob Miller Department Name
Terminology: World Languages vs. Foreign Languages
50/50 model – English/Spanish – Learned through Math and Science Entrance Criteria – Fluent English – Parental Choice Santa Fe Spanish Immersion Program 3
Enrollment th Day School/Sig. Program Name Home/ChoiceIn Dist.Out Dist.Total Enrollment Santa Fe Elementary Santa Fe Spanish Immersion
Grade LevelTeachersStudents Kinder250 1 st nd rd th th th th th 140 Spanish Immersion Program 5
AIMS Reading Meets/Exceeds *Immersion students always receive formal Reading in English K-8 and informal Spanish reading grades 1-8
AIMS Math Meets/Exceeds *Immersion students received Math in Spanish grades 1-5, English review for 2 weeks before AIMS to ensure vocabulary transfer, concepts transfer automatically from Spanish to English. Current 7 th Graders
The Benefits CognitiveSocialEconomic LinguisticCultural
The Research A relationship between world language study and increased mathematical skill development, particularly in the area of problem solving, points to the fact that second language learning is more of a cognitive than linguistic activity. Duke University Online Newsletter for Parents of Gifted Youth,
Brain Dominance & Language Learning Some language skills involve analytical, sequential, and left-brain processing. Others involve right-brain skills such as guessing, associating, and getting the main idea. Good language learners learn to use both left and right-brain skills depending on what works best for the activity at hand. SIL International 1999
K-12 Continuum Replication Future Plans 11
We are truly preparing our students for the world!
Questions? 13