The Giver by Lois Lowry
Since the beginning of time, human beings have searched for UTOPIA - a perfect place where people can lead perfect lives. The Giver takes place in such an ideal community.
The Golden Age The Garden of Eden Atlantis Sparta
A Greek Term The word utopia was derived from the Greek ou topos, which means “no place.” Some synonyms for utopia are paradise, arcadia, Shangri-la, and Zion. Some synonyms for utopia are paradise, arcadia, Shangri-la, and Zion.
Modern Day “Utopias”
A “Utopia” is a perfect society. A “Dystopia” is a world that appears to be perfect, but is not. A “Utopia” is a perfect society. A “Dystopia” is a world that appears to be perfect, but is not.
Who invented rules? No one knows for sure when the first “rule” was invented.
There have been formal rules for people to follow since ancient times. Golden Rule - Evolved from the Old Testament in the Bible “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Bushido - unwritten code that guided the samurai I-Li – Ancient Chinese rules on how to behave, dress, and speak Gravitas - a traditional rule of dignity that Roman citizens were expected to live by
Genre - Science Fiction Based on real or imaginary scientific ideas. Amazing happenings New inventions – life, transportation, cures Stretches your imagination Frankenstein A Wrinkle in Time The Twilight Zone Star Wars Star Trek The X Files Spiderman The Giver
Science Fiction Writers Settings – past, present, or future Predicting the future Time travel Aliens Jules Verne – 1850s Father of Modern Science Fiction Wrote about submarines, elevators, computers, fax machines, spaceships, and moon travel by the U.S.A.
Setting The setting of the novel is the time and place in which the action occurs. The Giver takes place in some unspecified time in the future in a place very much like Earth that can be described as a utopian community. As you read, think about what Lois Lowry’s novel says about our future here on earth – and about our past.
“The Giver” Setting The society seems ideal-- All have a job for which they are especially suited. The elderly and newest members are lovingly cared for. There is much laughter and joy.
Conflict Conflict is a problem or struggle between two characters, a character and society, a character and nature, or a problem within a character. In The Giver, the main conflict is between Jonas as an individual and the society in which he lives.