The Giver Vocabulary Chapters 1-5
euphemism A nice way of saying something difficult. She passed away= she died; put to sleep Short-vertically challenged Prison- correctional facility
Rasping- harsh, grating The smoker’s voice became raspy after years of smoking
Apprehensive- fearful, anxious The child felt apprehensive when she went to her first day of school
Eager-impatiently waiting I was eager to graduate 8th grade
Distraught-upset, very agitated I became distraught when I lost my kid at Disneyland.
palpable- obvious, easily perceived It was palpable to the fans that the boy was terrible at baseball.
Disposition- personality This lady had a happy, almost weird, disposition.
Nurturing- helping to grow or develop The mother nurtured her child and the child grew to be a healthy adult. Elementary teachers are nurturing but middle school teachers are just plain mean.
Enhance- improve I lifted weights hoping to enhance my muscle tone.
Aptitude-talent Einstein had an aptitude for science. Beethoven had an aptitude for music.
Chastisement-punishment The teacher chastised me for not doing my homework. Chastisement happened to the boy who stole the teacher’s medicine.
Petulantly- in an ill tempered way, moody I petulantly cleaned my room after a fight with my mom.
Remorse- regret He felt remorse after he killed the dog.
Tabulated- recorded and filed I tabulated the scores and found that the average was a C+.
Primly-proper When I met the Queen of England, I primly sipped my tea., but my rude husband guzzled his beer.
Murky-unclear, dark The murky, smelly pond did not seem inviting.
Vague- unclear The setting of The Giver is vague; we’re not sure the time nor the place. The directions were vague, so I didn’t understand what to do.