The Giver Vocabulary
Palpable (3) Adjective Capable of being touched or felt; easily seen. Nervousness is a palpable feeling because it can be felt by the person who is nervous.
Distraught (4) adjective Deeply agitated Ryan became distraught when his class wouldn’t stop making fun of his new shoes.
Disposition (7) Noun Natural mental and emotional outlook or mood; characteristic attitude. Any living being can have a disposition, but it depends on what kind you possess. Pit bulls are often blamed for having vicious dispositions.
Chastise (20) Verb To criticize of discipline severely (Chastisement is the severe criticism or punishment) If you do something bad enough, Mr. Hough will chastise you himself.
Petulantly (22) Adverb Showing sudden, impatient irritation Hannah petulantly begged her mother to go to the dance after she had said no 10 times.
Droning (22) Verb To speak in a monotonous tone A monotonous tone would be someone who doesn’t change his/her inflection in his/her voice.
Chortled (33) Verb To chuckle gleefully Sophia chortled after Ms. Stickle’s hilarious joke.
Prodded (41) Verb To incite by poking or nagging Steve prodded his mom to let him go to the park. The poking and the nagging were too irritating for her to say no.
Infringed (45) Verb To commit a breach or infraction of In Jonas’ communit, infringing upon the rules and laws could mean release.
Buoyancy (47) Noun The power to float or rise in liquid Ice cubes have buoyancy because they float in drinks.
Meticulous (48) Adjective Taking or showing extreme care for minute details. Artists are often meticulous with their work because one mistake could mean disaster.
Aptitude (52) Noun Capability, ability, capacity, talent Teachers (hopefully) have an aptitude for working with children.
Wielded (54) Verb To exercise power, as in ruling or dominating Whoever is in charge of Jonas’ community wields his/her power to try to create sameness across the community.