+ Tu día en la escuela Parte II
+ ¿Es primero, segundo, tercero..?
+ ¿Cómo es la clase de…? ¿qué necesitas? ¿quién enseña la clase? En la clase de … necesito…
+ What is a subject? The subject of a sentence tells who is doing the action. You often use people’s names as the subject: For example: Gregorio escucha música. Gregory listens to music. Ana canta y baila. Ana sings and dances.
+ What is a subject pronoun? A subject pronoun replaces people’s names: For example: Él escucha música. He listens to music. Ella canta y baila. She sings and dances.
+ Subject Pronouns Chart: Subject PronounsSingularPlural 1st personYo = INosotros = We Nosotras = We 2nd personTú = You (Familiar) Usted = You (Formal) Vosotros = You all Vosotras = You all Ustedes = You all 3rd person Él = He Ella = She Ellos = They Ellas = They
+ Formal vs. Familiar: Use tú with family, friends, people of your age or younger and anyone you call by his / her first name. Use usted with adults you address with a title, such as señor, señora, profesor(a), etc. Remember that usted is usually written as Ud. In Latin America, use ustedes when speaking to two or more people, regardless of age. Ustedes is usually written as Uds. In Spain, use vosotros when speaking to two or more people in the familiar. Use ustedes when talking to two or more people you call usted individually (formal).
+ All girls or mixed groups: If a group is made up of males only or both males and females together, use the masculine forms: Nosotros Vosotros Ellos If a group is all females, use the feminine forms: Nosotras Vosotras Ellas
+ Practice (Do not write this): What subject pronoun? Alejandro y yo Nosotros Carlos y ella Ellos Pepe y tú Ustedes Lola y ella Ellas
+ Infinitive Verbs: What is an infinitive verb? It is a verb that ends in –ar, -er, -ir For example: Cantar = to sing Escuchar = to listen Hablar = to talk Correr = to run Escribir = to write
+ Conjugating –ar verbs in Present Tense The largest group of verbs end in –ar. BAILAR is one of these –ar verbs. Conjugating a verb is when you change the form in order to agree with the subject pronoun. In English we see this as: I dance You dance He/She dances
+ Conjugating –ar verbs in Present Tense In order to conjugate –ar verbs, we must DROP the –ar from the infinitive, leaving the stem: For example: Bailar Bail- Then we add the verb endings! -o-amos -as-áis a-an
+ Conjugating Bailar (Present Tense) Drop the –ar Bailar Bail- Write the stem (Bail-) Add the endings: -o, -as, -a, -amos, -áis, -an (yo) Bailo(nosotros) (nosotras) Bailamos (tú) Bailas(vosotros) (vosotras) Bailáis (Ud.) (él) Baila (ella) (Uds.) (ellos) Bailan (ellas)
+ Una canción para recordar: