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Presentation transcript:

THE NICENE CREED unplugged WEEK #5 The Holy Spirit

THE NICENE CREED unplugged I believe in the Holy Spirit And we believe in the Holy Spirit the Lord, and Giver of Life who proceeds from the Father; who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified; who has spoken through the Prophets.

THE NICENE CREED unplugged And we believe in the Holy Spirit the Lord, and Giver of Life who proceeds from the Father; who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified; who has spoken through the Prophets.

THE NICENE CREED unplugged And we believe in the Holy Spirit the Lord,

THE NICENE CREED unplugged And we believe in the Holy Spirit the Lord, This the foundation of what we believe, the “glue” that holds my faith together.

THE NICENE CREED unplugged And we believe in the Holy Spirit the Lord, The same title that was given to Jesus earlier in the creed.

THE NICENE CREED unplugged And we believe in the Holy Spirit the Lord, The same title that was given to Jesus earlier in the creed. Remember there is but ONE Lord

THE NICENE CREED unplugged And we believe in the Holy Spirit the Lord, The same title that was given to Jesus earlier in the creed. Remember there is but ONE Lord This declares that Jesus and the Holy Spirit are God

THE NICENE CREED unplugged And we believe in the Holy Spirit the Lord, The same title that was given to Jesus earlier in the creed. Remember there is but ONE Lord This declares that Jesus and the Holy Spirit are God The Christ, the Holy Spirit and God are one!

THE NICENE CREED unplugged and Giver of Life

THE NICENE CREED unplugged and Giver of Life The Holy Spirit is the “life giving” power of God

THE NICENE CREED unplugged and Giver of Life The Holy Spirit is the “life giving” power of God The Holy Spirit was active during creation Gen 1:2

THE NICENE CREED unplugged and Giver of Life The Holy Spirit is the “life giving” power of God The Holy Spirit was active during creation Gen 1:2 The Holy Spirit is the Breath of God that gave mankind life

THE NICENE CREED unplugged and Giver of Life The Holy Spirit is the “life giving” power of God The Holy Spirit was active during creation Gen 1:2 The Holy Spirit is the Breath of God that gave mankind life The Holy Spirit is the power that gives us the ability to be born again! John 3: 5-8

THE NICENE CREED unplugged who proceeds from the Father;

THE NICENE CREED unplugged who proceeds from the Father; Time to talk about the “Great Schism” 1054 AD

THE NICENE CREED unplugged who proceeds from the Father; Time to talk about the “Great Schism” 1054 AD The “Filioque” …..and the Son

THE NICENE CREED unplugged who proceeds from the Father; Time to talk about the “Great Schism” 1054 AD The “Filioque” …..and the Son Why those in the West felt it necessary

THE NICENE CREED unplugged who proceeds from the Father; Time to talk about the “Great Schism” 1054 AD The “Filioque” …..and the Son Why those in the West felt it necessary What does this mean to us since both are correct?

THE NICENE CREED unplugged who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified;

THE NICENE CREED unplugged who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified; The original creed declares that all three should be worshipped.

THE NICENE CREED unplugged who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified; The original creed declares that all three should be worshipped. All three are glorified

THE NICENE CREED unplugged who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified; The original creed declares that all three should be worshipped. All three are glorified All three are God!

THE NICENE CREED unplugged who has spoken through the Prophets.

THE NICENE CREED unplugged who has spoken through the Prophets. The Holy Spirit is not a New Testament thing.

THE NICENE CREED unplugged who has spoken through the Prophets. The Holy Spirit is not a New Testament thing. He was the manifestation of God in the OT.

THE NICENE CREED unplugged who has spoken through the Prophets. The Holy Spirit is not a New Testament thing. He was the manifestation of God in the OT. He was active at Creation

THE NICENE CREED unplugged who has spoken through the Prophets. The Holy Spirit is not a New Testament thing. He was the manifestation of God in the OT. He was active at Creation He was God’s voice through the prophets

THE NICENE CREED unplugged WEEK 6 One Church One Baptism Forgiveness of Sins Life Everlasting