History Hysteria: What is it? A game that students play in groups! A game that students play in groups! Students try to guess key terms, people, and concepts related to our current study – meant to be a great review! Students try to guess key terms, people, and concepts related to our current study – meant to be a great review! Roles: Roles: –Giver, Checker, & guesser(s)
Roles: The Giver Giver holds the cards so only he/she and the checker can see them. Giver holds the cards so only he/she and the checker can see them. Without saying or using part of the word already on the card (like saying snow if the word is snowman), the giver gives clues so that his/her teammates can guess the term on the card. Without saying or using part of the word already on the card (like saying snow if the word is snowman), the giver gives clues so that his/her teammates can guess the term on the card. Try to get as many correct guesses in four minutes! Try to get as many correct guesses in four minutes! Rotate roles with each round. Rotate roles with each round.
Roles: The Checker The checker does three things: The checker does three things: –Checks to make sure that no inappropriate/ unfair clues are given. (ex. Starts with a “g” or rhymes with hope.) Takes card/ no points if that is the case. –If the giver gets stuck on a particular card, has a mental block, the checker can give clues for that card/ those cards only. –Checker keeps score!
Roles: The Guesser(s) Using your knowledge, try to guess as many words as you can. Using your knowledge, try to guess as many words as you can.
Everybody: Roles rotate each round. Roles rotate each round. You will have four minutes per round. (Then you will get a different stack of cards.) You will have four minutes per round. (Then you will get a different stack of cards.) At the end of each round, write down any term(s) you didn’t know so you can review them tonight. Self-assess!!!!! At the end of each round, write down any term(s) you didn’t know so you can review them tonight. Self-assess!!!!! The team with the most points wins. The team with the most points wins. Have fun! Have fun!
And the featured categories are…. United States United States The Western Democracies The Western Democracies Italy Italy U.S.S.R. U.S.S.R. Germany Germany
When the bell rings… It should be QUIET It should be QUIET –A time to count correct guesses –Time to record areas to concentrate: SELF- ASSESS!!!! –Neatly place back in envelope and pass clockwise! –Thanks! –Thanks!