Each must be managed to improve quality and reliability. Each must be managed to improve quality and reliability. Non-Conformances come from many sources including: Variation Culture Complexity Mistakes Quality Management Tool Box CultureComplexity Variation Mistakes
Cultural Aspects What comes first? What’s rewarded? Deming ISO 9000 Six Sigma (DMAIC) Define the customer, the project and what success is Measure performance Analyze the process and causes of defects Improve the process by removing causes Control the process to maintain improvements
Cost of Quality: COQ Costs of Conformance: prevention & appraisal Costs of Non-Conformance: Internal Failure & External
Everyday Examples New lawn mowers are required to have a safety bar on the handle that must be pulled back in order to start the engine. If you let go of the safety bar, the mower blade stops in 3 seconds or less. Fueling area of car has three error-proofing devices: 1. insert keeps leaded-fuel nozzle from being inserted 2. tether does not allow loss of gas cap 3. gas cap has ratchet to signal proper tightness and prevent overtightening. 3.5 inch diskettes cannot be inserted unless diskette is oriented correctly. This is as far as a disk can be inserted upside-down. The beveled corner of the diskette along with the fact that the diskette is not square, prohibit incorrect orientation.
Evidence of the Effectiveness Source: Productivity Inc. and Shingo prize profiles Cooper Automotive: –95% less defects than nearest competitor –75% less injuries –99.6% less customer defects (13 ppm) –88% in-plant defect reduction –70% less warranty cost –89% scrap reduction (0.7%) –60% productivity increase
Devices Tend to be Inexpensive... Cost of Poka-Yoke Devices $25 or less $100 to$250 $1000 or more Cost Probability Frequency of Occurrence Cumulative Probability $25 to $100 $250 to $1000 Evidence of the Effectiveness
…and Very Effective The “10:1, 100:1, even 1000:1” rates of return referred to by Bhote above are not unreasonable in practice. Dana corporation has reported a $500,000 savings resulting from a $6 device. (83,000:1) AT&T Power Systems (Lucent Technologies) reported net saving of $2545 per device (3300 devices) [Marchwinsky, 1997]. (25:1*) Weber Aircraft reports saving $350,000 during their first year of implementation of approximately 300 devices. (11:1*) *Assumes and average devise cost $100
Examples Wire harness board (sockets, labels & clips) Hog trough (modular harness handling) DE-STA-CO Molded test fixture
Example: Blood-Loc Transfusion error: administering wrong unit of blood to patient Code for lock found on patient’s wristband
Examples: Off the Shelf Pick-to-light bin system with sensors Metal sensing drill
Examples: Off the Shelf Miniature barcode readers Vision systems Laser part locators
Examples: Off the Shelf Huck Fasteners: proper tightening without threads or torque
Examples: Off the Shelf Wireless barcode reading palm-pilot scans the patient, the medication and the care giver, to confirm the patient, medication, dose, time and route are correct. Point of care automation provides correct medication and dose Central pharmacy is small AS/RS