Studies in the Scriptures Jesup 2010 Sermon Series December 5, 2010 – Mark J. Ward What is Your Life?
Introduction - The book of Ecclesiastes deals with man’s life “under the sun” - Eccl. 12 talks about “vanities of vanities” and “the conclusion of the whole matter” - James 4:13-15 teaches us that our life is but a vapor - We write our spiritual resume every day – Heb 9:27; 2 Cor. 5:10 - Matthew 10:32 teaches we must confess Christ during our life, or He will not confess us before the Father - What is your/my life? What are we doing with our lives? Are we redeeming the time for the days are evil?
King Saul - First King of the Jews – I Sam. 9:1,2 - Problem with Jealousy of David – I Sam. 18: Amalekites – I Sam. 15: Goliath problem – I Sam. 17:11, 33-39
Paul - Educated under Gamaliel – Acts 22:3 - Zealous for Jewish faith - Gal. 1:14; Phil. 3:5 - Persecuted saints – Acts 7:57-59; 22:19; 26:9 - Lived in all good conscience – Acts 23:1 - Converted to Christ – Acts 9 & 22 - Willing to suffer for the cause of Christ – 2 Cor. 11: Willing to make serving Christ his life – I Cor. 9:16
Peter - Original 12 apostles – Acts 22:3 - Eager but lacking on the water – Mt. 14: Spoke too soon re foot washing – Jn 13: Told he would deny Christ and did – Mk. 14:66-72; Mt. 26:75 - Bias Problems with Gentiles – Acts 10; Gal. 2:11 - Continued in the work of the kingdom…
Jim Bob - “Raised in the church” - Looks down on other Christians, always finding fault - Knows most Bible stories, so doesn’t study - Leads singing, but never takes a class to teach when asked - Token giver on first day of the week - Leaves brethren and Lord behind when on vacation
Sue AnnE - “Raised in the church” - Preacher’s wife, likes to stay on phone and get the juice on all problems everywhere in the churches, especially in her home congregation - Has a “clique” of ladies she normally associates with - Does not encourage her husband in his stand for truth - More political and likes to be on everyone’s “nice list” - Double-tongued when talking to one person about another than when talking to them in person
Freddy - “Raised in the church” - Formerly a full-time preacher, he justs attends now and kinda coasts…leads singing and waits on table - Likes to travel a lot…usually meets with brethren when away - Associates with worldly element and engages in things a Christian should not…usually just doesn’t tell anyone about it and doesn’t really do anything about it - Token giver on first day of the week contribution - Gets lessons up and occasionally brings a great sermon - Lots of talent, but doesn’t study much outside of class
Ricky & Lucy - Converted from denominationalism - Very involved with their jobs, kids’ soccer, school, etc. - Come 2-3 out of 4 assemblies, don’t attend Bible classes - Rarely attend any home studies - Token givers, but that is more than most since they are rich in the world’s goods - Aloof to members who are not in middle class or higher strata of American lifestyle - No home study or Bible reading for family/children - Don’t do Bible lessons for class, since don’t attend them
James - Dated a Christian and was converted to Christ from a denomination - Zealous in spiritual things, has classes in his home, married the Christian he was dating, tries to learn as much as he can about everything spiritually - Reads and studies Bible regularly, in addition to prep for class studies at church Bible classes - Asks meaningful questions, is not a busybody in the lives of others but genuinely cares about their spiritual welfare - Very convicted and when on travel puts God first - Liberal giver putting contribution at top of personal budget
Conclusion - God and each of us know about ourselves better than others…what we really do, where we really go, what we really think, how convicted and genuine we are about our spirituality - How does our “real” spiritual resume read before God? - No matter what men/women think of us (right, wrong, or indifferent) we should be concerned about what the God of heaven KNOWS about us and strive to make corrections where needed and work ahead for the prize of the high calling of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ! - Are we truly HEADED toward Canaan’s land?