1 Home Visiting A training session for home visitors
2 So what is Giving in Grace? DIY stewardship programme which will increase giving to our church: o Our challenge is weekly increase of £xx 3 core elements: o Prayer – as much as we can o Preaching series in October o Literature for each church member
3 An overview of programme elements Leadership : Planning group and church council Preaching Exodus Matthew Luke 2 Corinthians Literature Letters Brochure Response forms visiting groupssocialschildren Prayer
4 Why do we visit our church members? Personal relationships and asking is the most effective way of encouraging people to make their response Visiting shows respect to the giver and that Giving in Grace matters to the visitor People need the chance to ask questions
5 Come and See: John 1:35-39 We are visiting God’s family about the ministry of our church Relationships matter and help people to engage Visiting respects the giver and shows giving matters to the visitor People need the chance to ask questions and to discuss things
6 What we are not doing! Not begging for money but inviting people to respond generously to God’s grace and the ministry needs of the church Not cold calling on strangers but to our church family Not asking people how much they give or how much they plan to give Not collecting response forms, save from the housebound Not asking for donations or accepting them on the visit
7 What will we do? Our task is to: o Drop off the programme literature to 5 or 6 houses for them to read o Make a time to call back to discuss the literature and Giving in Grace and answer any questions o Encourage people to return their response forms
8 The programme literature Brochure: the financial challenge Letter: the invitation to review and renew giving Response form: the pledge and any requests for information Reply envelope
9 Before the visit: practical Deliver literature Contact the five people on your list Make appointment to visit Allow 30 minutes per visit Be familiar with the literature
10 Before the visit: personal Pray about the visit and those you will see Make your personal response before you ask anyone else to do the same Be ready, if asked, to say why you think Giving in Grace is so important to the church
11 In the home Introductions, thanks and explanation o You know and will know nothing about their giving Invite comments and observations on the literature they have received – this is the heart of the conversation Speak to the response form o It offers advice on giving amounts o It suggests ways to give; you may need the supporting literature Make the ask: be clear that they should consider and return the response form
12 And remember.... Listen carefully, there may be a story they are trying to tell you Pass on pastoral issues but only with explicit permission Respect confidentiality Act on any promises you have made
13 Refreshments Are there any thoughts or comments about the material in the home visitor handout?
14 Role play If you are confident to do so why not role play a visit at this point?
15 Too hot too handle? What questions do you have or do you anticipate people asking? o Isn’t the church already wealthy? o Can we ask for money when times are tough? 15
16 Practical questions Weekly envelopes Gift Aid declarations Standing Orders Legacy information Charitable giving accounts
17 Thank you and let us pray Remember, we are not begging because the church is short of cash but inviting people to resource our ministry and honour our Lord. Remember, this is a conversation between church members. Enjoy it!