Session 4 February 19, 2014 Sharon McDermott Beth Papiano
Agenda Treasure hunt Stages of team development Issue resolution model and practice
Pioneer Museum Treasure Hunt Find your partner Go to Waldo Canyon Display Find the answers to your question Come back to the room and be prepared to share your findings with the group
Team Dynamics February 19, 2014 Sharon McDermott Beth Papiano
No one can whistle a symphony. It takes an orchestra to play it. Halford E. Luccock
Project Management Model Development Assessment
Outcomes Understand the stages of team development and accelerate progress Develop skills to provide feedback and resolve issues
What’s a team?
Why Work in Teams?
1. Higher productivity 2. Better decisions 3. Nice team shirts 4. Better able to address complex issues 5. Increased involvement 6. Knowledge sharing 7. Innovation 8. Grow and learn together
Top Ten Reasons Teams Fail
1. Lack of a sufficient charter 2. Inability to decide what constitutes a collective work project 3. Lack of mutual accountability 4. Lack of resources 5. Lack of effective leadership 6. Lack of operating guidelines and norms 7. Lack of planning 8. Lack of management support 9. Inability to deal with conflict 10. Lack of training
Collection of Individuals: individuals versus group goals, resistant to change, don’t share responsibility Groups: tend to be leader centered Teams: building blocks in place (goals, roles, procedures and relationships); members feel empowered, take personal responsibility, communicate authentically and have a “can do” spirit High Performance Teams: share responsibility, purpose- centered, high communication, future and results focused, fully leverage individual talents, identify and proactively seize opportunities Stages of team growth
Stages of Team Development Forming Storming Norming Performing
Forming Comfortable; on our best behavior Figuring out where I fit Avoid controversy and conflict Creating impressions and taking in information Need ◦ Direction and structure from leader ◦ Agreement on goals, roles, processes ◦ Build trust
Storming Necessary and uncomfortable Arguments may occur Trust is built in sub-groups Need ◦ Tolerance and patience ◦ Work interpersonal issues 1:1 ◦ Address issues and move forward ◦ May modify team agreements
Norming Mutual accountability Collaboration and win-win decisions Shared leadership Mutual respect, trust and relationships developed Need ◦ Problem solving ◦ Focus on big goal ◦ Assessment – what we do well, do differently, what did we learn
Performing Motivated and knowledgeable High level of trust and commitment Need ◦ Celebration ◦ Add stretching goals ◦ Learn from mistakes process
Giving Feedback and Issue Resolution
Two types of feedback Recognition Improvement / issue resolution ◦ Relationships ◦ Increase results ◦ Show blind spots ◦ Seek solutions
Recognition Timely, the sooner the better Public or private Be clear and mean it Catch people doing things right
Improvement feedback Is a gift... To the recipient... And YOU!
Feedback - A Conscious Choice When you’re too angry or upset to give (or receive) feedback in a respectful way. When you just want to “dump” your feelings and you’re not interested in building relationship. When the setting or time available doesn’t provide an opportunity for a meaningful exchange. When you notice a teammate has accomplished a goal successfully, or that his or her work has really supported the team effort. When you’re concerned that a teammate’s behavior or performance is impeding the progress of the team. When something a teammate is doing has an impact on you personally and inhibits building a trusting relationship. When Not to Initiate FeedbackWhen to Initiate Feedback
Explain Consequences Share Intentions Describe Choices Issue Resolution Model Clarify Your Thinking Recognize at this point, you own the issue Create a SMART goal for your discussion Know what appropriate actions you can take Request Buy-in Open the Discussion “I need your help with an issue that affects both of us” “Can we discuss it now? If not—when?” “This involves my perception of what is happening on…issue. Let me give you the specifics.” “So, what you’re saying is...” “And what you’re feeling is…” “Have I understood you correctly?” “Are we in agreement on the issue?” “Is there anything else?” “What ideas do you have to resolve this issue?” Share Your Perceptions Ask for Their Reality Empathetically Hear Their Reality Test for Understanding Request Smart Goal Buy-in Explore Options Plan action / next steps “What and when are the next steps?” Take Appropriate Action Schedule follow-up meeting “May I share some of my ideas? “Which of these options are you willing to implement? “Now that you know how this issue appears to me, help me understand how it looks to you.”
Let’s PLAY!
Comments on everything I say Goes on a tangent Interrupts me Provides too many details Rolls eyes, makes faces when I am talking Doesn’t listen to me Complains a lot Wants things her way
Issue Resolution Practice Giver Receiver Choose a scenario or a real life situation to resolve Practice resolving the issue using the model Play the part of the person to whom the giver will give feedback. Observer Timekeeper, observe and take notes, facilitate the debrief
Debrief What did you learn? Any ah-ha moments? What was easy? What was hard? Who can you use the model with? How will you use this information within your team? How can you use your learning style knowledge (the EGG) in the conversation?