Telehealth and Telepresence Jeff Doty-Senior Manager Business Development Tammy Flick- Telehealth Program Manager HNc
HealthNet connect, LC & BHC, LC Wholly Owned Subsidiaries of Unity Point Health “Connecting Healthcare, Business and Government to our Communication and IT Infrastructure!”
Innovation through Value!
HNcBNc-Who are we? Wholly owned subsidiaries of UnityPoint Health HealthNet connect, LC is a consortium established for healthcare entities to securely share healthcare information using our private technology infrastructure. BHC, LC is a technology holding company consisting of two subsidiaries; HNc Services Inc. a communications and technology services company developed to provide value added services to the healthcare market. BroadNet connect a communications and technology services companies developed to provide value added services to business and community anchor institutions.
HNcBNc Mission Our mission is to introduce and integrate business concepts and related technologies seamlessly within our client’s organizations. As a business partner and technology advisor we will provide the best services, support and infrastructure enabling health care organizations, schools, government entities and businesses to make a difference in the lives of the communities they serve.
The HNcBNc Advantage Providing the most advanced communications and technology solutions. An Independent, privately owned 3,200+ mile fiber optic network that serves Iowa, Nebraska and Illinois and parts of Colorado with the ability to extend to other parts of the country. A HIPAA compliant Data Center Infrastructure Provide a host of communication and technology services under one roof. Providing support that is unmatched in the industry.
HNcBNc Services
Fiber Optic Network
Data Center
Cloud Services
Server and Desktop Services
Support Services
Application Services
Telehealth and Telepresence
Telehealth and Telepresence The future is now……
Telepresence: Removing Barriers
Telepresence Endless Use Cases Decrease travel expense Connect with field support team Meetings, Conference, Education Banking, customer service, support Schools- Distance learning, school nurse
Purpose and Aim The purpose of a Tele-health initiative is to improve care coordination, increase access to healthcare and providers, and improve efficiencies for health care providers.
Telehealth is the Future….. Doing more with less ACO HIE Population Health Management Limited Resources Provider Shortages Changing Payment Models Consumer Demands Healthcare is a business, and with any business there is a constant need to be able to do more with less. As the healthcare industry changes and evolves, initiaves such as accountable care organizations and population health management are slated to become the new model of care. This is an extreme change from the fee for service model that has traditionally been utilized and will move the nimble and successful healthcare organizations into the practice of utilizing telehealth to ensure they are viable and successful in the future. In rural areas the barriers of limited resources and provider shortages can be alieveiated with the use of Telemedicine and implementation of telehealth programs. Telehealth is quickly becoming the future standard of care and payment models are evolving to include telehealth from the Federal Government down to State and Local governments. Not only that, the consumers themselves are now looking to have conveinece and access to the care they need real time and close to home. Telehealth is the full suite solution for the future and staying ahead of the curve will allow your organization to not only survive but thrive in the healthcare industry. Healthcare stakeholders have high hopes for Tele-health as an essential ingredient for creating a better system of care. The future of remote care delivery depends on powerful technologies and smart networks to attain these aspirations. With rising healthcare costs and unprecedented pressures on healthcare systems to engage in population health, the time is right to use Tele-health to break down the barriers to make healthcare more patient-centered, to better coordinate patient care and to reduce healthcare costs.
According to the American Hospital Association: 52% of hospitals utilized telehealth in 2013 Another 10% were in process of implementation 74% of US consumers would use Telehealth 76% of consumers prioritize access to care vs human interaction with providers 70% of consumers are comfortable communicating with providers via text, email, video vs seeing them in person AHA Trend watch January 2015 Data from 2013 AHA annual survey
Expected Benefits Improved patient and care-giver access to health services and providers Reduced unnecessary travel time and cost for patients/care- giver and clinical staff Improved patient and care-giver involvement in care planning Improved ability for rural practitioners to access specialist health services Improved ability to conduct screenings and health promotion within our communities Increased viability of providing services locally in rural and remote communities Considerations: Reimbursements Iowa Magellan Medicare and Medicaid WQ
Cost Savings and Avoidance A recent Towers Watson study of employers with more than1,000 employees showed U.S. employers could save up to $6 billion each year by employees routinely engaged in remote consults for appropriate medical problems vs visiting ER, urgent care centers, and physicians’ offices. Median charges ranged from $740 (95% CI $651–$817) for an upper respiratory infection average telehealth charge under $100
Provider Shortages in Iowa In 2014 over 90 counties in Iowa are listed as HPSA for primary care while 72 out of the 99 counties are listed as medically underserved according to HRSA. These shortages equate to a need for over 100 full time primary care providers and over 170 full time mental health providers in the state of Iowa. Nearly all of Iowa is rural and a majority of the counties are healthcare provider shortage areas (HPSA) in primary care and mental health providers. In 2014 over 90 counties in Iowa are listed as HPSA for primary care while 72 out of the 99 counties are listed as medically underserved according to HRSA.3 These shortages equate to a need for over 100 full time primary care providers and over 170 full time mental health providers in the state of Iowa. Health resources services administration
Iowa HCPSA Primary Care
Telehealth – Expanding care Access to care-Rural and Underserved Neurology Psych Other specialty providers Technology is available now! Affordable Easy to use Evolution of healthcare Approximately 20 percent of Americans live in rural areas where many do not have easy access to primary care or specialist services. The availability of telehealth services to these areas facilitates greater access to care by eliminating the need to travel long distances to see a qualified health care provider. Telehealth also can fill gaps in subspecialist care. With a nationwide shortage of psychiatrists, telepsychiatry can assist patients in need of behavioral health services who may otherwise have to drive hours to see mental health providers. Telepsychiatry services allow psychiatrists to speak to and evaluate patients in need of mental health services through videoconferencing. Tele-Mental Health Tele-Stroke Tele-Pharmacy Tele-Palliative Care Tele-Diabetic Education Specialty providers- Dermatology, Neurology, Surgical Follow up
Questions? Tammy Flick R.N. CPEHR Telehealth Program Manager HealthNet connect 515-471-0111
Questions? Jeff Doty Senior Manager Business Development HNcBnc (515) 241-7481 office