Learning Target I can create a thesis statement that determines a theme in order to complete my ORP Write-Up.
Thesis Statement Like claim We have to prove it with supporting evidence. Used in essays Every paragraph and piece of textual evidence are proving or supporting it. Include the book title, the author, and the book’s theme. Bold …No “I think!”
1. The theme of Harry Potter is to never give up. 1. In Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games love requires sacrifice. 1. The Giver, by Lois Lowry, has the theme of perseverance. 1. In The Giver, by Lois Lowry, we can see that being unique requires courage.
In Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games love requires sacrifice. In The Giver, by Lois Lowry, we can see that being unique requires courage.
For the ORP Write-Up our thesis statements are claiming a theme in the book. Finding a theme is like making an inference. We have to find places in our book and use textual evidence to support the theme in our thesis statement.
In Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games love requires sacrifice. In the beginning Katniss sacrifices herself for her sister because Katniss loves her sister. In the middle the community Rue is from sacrifices food and money to thank Katniss for helping Rue with a parachute. This is done out of love for Katniss and for Rue. At the end Peeta tells Katniss she can kill him because he wants her to live.