Holidays with your family How is this a social event?
What social situations occur around the holidays? Conversations with Family Opening gifts Sharing meals together Long car rides with family
Being Social Anytime you are around or interacting with other people Social Thinking - People think about what you are thinking about them How are you Grandma? Ugh there are so many people Good thoughts Weird thoughts
What do you think about people’s: 1.Body Language 2.Eye Contact 3.Personal Space
Good Thoughts How can we make others have good thoughts about us? If we:Others think: Be Polite to Others Have conversations Bubble our unexpected thoughts Say ‘thank you’
Family Dinner Grace, Passing Food, Chatting, Talking about the food - (Christmas Vacation) -Why don’t they correct the grandmother? What unexpected things do you see? - (Why are they eating it if it doesn’t taste good?) -People are feeling uncomfortable
Giving/ Getting Gifts Gift Exchange (Home Alone 2) kDA4 kDA4 Expected to say: Thank you
Receiving a Gift How does the gift giver feel about my reaction? It’s expected to say: ‘Thank you’
Receiving a Gift How does the gift giver feel about my reaction? It’s expected to say: ‘Thank you’
Social Behavior Maps December_Holiday_Thinksheets.pdf December_Holiday_Thinksheets.pdf 1.Receiving a gift you don’t like 1.Feeling flustered by flurry of people around you
Holiday Problem Solving Complete your worksheet What could you do in this situation to have an expected reaction?