Worship in spirit and truth! Improve Your Participation in the Assembly and Bible Classes
Jn. 4:23-26 You must participate, to worship in spirit. Worship in spirit and truth!
You must participate, to worship in spirit. Worship in spirit and truth! Israel meets God. Exodus Israel & the tabernacle. Exodus 40 Wedding feast. Matt. 22:1-14 Ten virgins. Matt. 25:1-13
You must be in the right frame of mind. Return from captivity. Worship in spirit and truth! Nehemiah 8-9
You must be in the right frame of mind. Return from captivity. Worship in spirit and truth! Nehemiah 8-9 No one can do it for you. Luke 14
You must be in the right frame of mind. Return from captivity. Worship in spirit and truth! Nehemiah 8-9 No one can do it for you. Luke 14 It takes work.
You must be in the right frame of mind. Worship in spirit and truth! Days before: Pray about worship, Bible class. Pray for people on prayer list. Meditate on previous service. Prepare for upcoming lessons. Stay in your priorities. Discuss worship.
You must be in the right frame of mind. Worship in spirit and truth! Evening before: Continue to pray. Meditate on the Lord, church. Make sure everyone at home is ready. Review Bible lessons. Get in bed at a reasonable hour.
You must be in the right frame of mind. Worship in spirit and truth! Morning of: Continue to pray. Figure out how to be a giver. Get up early. Brush up on Bible lessons. Arrive early, greet, get seated, take care of personal needs, get spiritually prepared.
You must be in the right frame of mind. Worship in spirit and truth! During announcements: Be sure you are ready to worship, in the right frame of mind. Absorb information announced. Be absolutely ready, by end of announcements.
You must be in the right frame of mind. Worship in spirit and truth! During the singing: Remember what you’re doing. Sing with understanding, spirit. What if you....
You must be in the right frame of mind. Worship in spirit and truth! During the prayer: Remember what you’re doing. Listen, follow along, concentrate. Say silent Amens, during prayer. Say Amen aloud at end of prayer.
You must be in the right frame of mind. Worship in spirit and truth! During the Bible lessons: Your responsibilities: Learn. Examine carefully. Be proactive: Take notes. Use highlighter. Memorize. Diagram. Pray.
You must be in the right frame of mind. Worship in spirit and truth! During the collection: Give with proper spirit. Pray.
You must be in the right frame of mind. Worship in spirit and truth! During the Lord’s Supper: Remember what you’re doing. Think about Jesus and His crucifixion. Pray. Read Scripture. 1 Cor. 11:26-30
Worship in spirit and truth! Improve Your Participation in the Assembly and Bible Classes