中國禁忌 Chinese Taboos 姚永盈. Color Taboos  Black is seen as an evil color  White, blue, and green are mourning colors and should not be worn to happy occasions.


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Presentation transcript:

中國禁忌 Chinese Taboos 姚永盈

Color Taboos  Black is seen as an evil color  White, blue, and green are mourning colors and should not be worn to happy occasions

Number Taboos  The number four sounds the same as the word death and should be avoided Ex: license plates, addresses, etc.  Gifts should not be given in odd numbers  You may also not want to give four gifts either

Gift Giving Taboos  Do not open gifts in front of the giver  Medicine should not be sent to healthy people  Clocks and handkerchiefs are associated with death and should not be given as presents

 Pears shouldn’t be given as gifts because they sound like the word ‘leave’  Giving a married man a green hat means his wife is committing adultery

Wedding Taboos  The couple should not attend a wedding or funeral or visit a woman who is about to give birth for three months before the wedding  People in mourning should not attend the wedding

 Couples with the same last name shouldn’t marry because they may have the same ancestors  Pale white and yellow chrysanthemums are placed on graves and shouldn’t be present at the wedding

Funeral Taboo  Never wear the color red to funerals

Questions 1. 什麼顏色跟葬禮有關係 ? 2. 為什麼人不應該在他們的地址和牌照用 ” 四 “? 3. 如果有人給你禮物你應該幹什麼 ? 4. 你什麼時候不應該去參加一個婚禮 ? 5. 為什麼同姓的人不應該結婚 ? 6. 那些花不應該在婚禮 ? 7. 為什麼人不應該送梨給人 ? 8. 你不能穿什麼顏色去葬禮 ?