Welcome to Language Arts! Mrs. Monaco
Masters of Arts in Teaching (+30) Ninth year at Hillcrest Previously at Trumbull High School Worked in the business world for 3 years I have a wonderful 6 ½ year old daughter and a 3 year old son! Background Information
Overview The Language Arts program is a balanced program of writing, literature, grammar, speaking and viewing. It seeks to develop in students the ability to share, explain, and support written responses to what they read, write, hear and view.
Theme of the Year “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” ~ Mark Twain
Writing Overview Narrative (personal and/or fictional) Argumentative Informational/Explanatory Reader response Story analysis Creative writing/poetry Research
Other Units We Will Cover Grammar Concepts Other pieces of literature: The Outsiders To Kill a Mockingbird The Giver Night Short stories Poetry
Skills Some skills that we will focus on developing and strengthening throughout the year include: * Annotating text for inferential meaning, connection, and critical stance. * Identifying and explaining significant passages/quotes. * Selecting appropriate evidence to substantiate opinions and claims. * Using a thesis as a controlling idea for literary analysis and elaborating on ideas to show relationships between thesis and text citations.
Goals Help your child become a more effective communicator. Learn essential life lessons. Encourage students to become more active participants in their learning through a metacognitive approach. Maintain open communication with students, parents, and staff in order to best serve each student’s needs. Discover new things.
Career Project Career Project- Students are expected to complete several components: Research – Sept. 22 – Sept. 26 Note cards/source cards – due Sept. 26 Written Response w/works cited – due October 7 Oral Presentations- October 7 – October 10 Career Night- Thursday, October 2 nd 6:45 - 8:15 P.M. Students are required to attend with a parent or guardian.
Grading Ingredients Quizzes (including responsibility) = 35% Class work/homework (reading & writing activities = 15% Tests/Essays/Projects = 50% I will contact parents if missing homework becomes a reoccurring problem.
Extra Help Extra Help= Monday (after school) Extra Help= Monday (after school) and by appointment. and by appointment.
Hillcrest Website Remind Language Arts – Text - (203) Code OR visit My address: School’s Phone Number: (203) Contact Information
“Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” Robert Collier I am looking forward I am looking forward to a great year! to a great year!