Assyrian Empire BCE
By 800 BCE had conquered much of Tigris-Euphrates region Great talent in military affairs – –Army was large, seemingly invincible – –Horse and chariot were chief force in warfare – –Used tightly-knit infantry formations – –Also experts in siege warfare Perhaps the most hated conquerors in ancient history Empire reached from upper Tigris to central Egypt Conquered peoples finally united, overthrew Assyrians Had sophisticated appreciation for all art forms
Phoenicians Lived along coastal strip (now Lebanon) Great colonists, traders in luxury wares Spread art of iron making Established colonies throughout western Mediterranean Most notable contribution was phonetic alphabet, about 1000 BCE – –System of 22 marks – –Definite advance – simplicity, accessibility – –Greeks later added signs for vowels
The Persian Empire
Persians 500 BCE – 500 CE Most powerful of peoples of western Asia – –Indo-European language – –Highly skilled cavalry – –Eventually became sedentary Persian Empire – –Cyrus the Great United Persians in mid-sixth century BCE Extended domain from India to Mediterranean, Arabia to lower Nile Valley Main cities were in Iran, not Mesopotamia
Cyrus the Great 580 – 529 B. C. E. A A tolerant ruler he allowed different cultures within his empire to keep their own institutions and customs HH is government was umbrella sheltering many different people Local authorities stayed in power Religion was totally free T he Greeks called him a “Law-Giver.” he Jews called him “the anointed of the Lord.” (In 537, he allowed over 40,000 to return to Palestine).
Darius the Great (526 – 485 B. C. E.) B uilt Persepolis. H e extended the Persian Empire to the Indus River in northern India. (2 mil. s.q. mi.) DD uring his reign, empire reached largest size B uilt a canal in Egypt. UU niform coinage, calendar Advanced law code
Darius the Great (526 – 485 B. C. E.) E stablished a tax-collecting system. D ivided the empire into districts called SATRAPIES. B uilt the great Royal Road system. E stablished a complex postal system. C reated a network of spies called “the King’s eyes and ears.”
Ancient Persepolis
The People of Persepolis
Persian “Royal Road”
Persian Archers & Soldiers
Zarathustra [Zoroaster], 6c BCE : Good Thoughts, Good Deed, Good Words “Tree of Life”
Extent of Zoroastrianism
Dualistic Battle of Good vs. Evil Ahura Mazda “Holy Spirit” Ahriman “Destructive Spirit”
Zend-Avesta (The “Book of Law”) The “Sacred Fire” the force to fight evil.