Writing an NCATE/IRA Program Report Prepared by Barbara Chesler, Longwood University, on behalf of the International Reading Association
Questions That Guide Reports Do candidates meet state licensure requirements? Have candidates mastered the content knowledge? Can candidates conceptualize and plan their teaching or other professional educational responsibilities? Are candidates effective in promoting student learning?
Focus of Reports Assessments are aligned with IRA standards 7-8 required assessments Reviewers will examine: the quality of assessments the appropriateness of the assessments to the standards
New Report Format Section I: Contextual Information Section II: Standards-Assessment Chart Section III: Required Assessment Section IV: Evidence for Meeting Standards Section V: Use of Assessment Results to Improve Candidate and Program Performance
Cover Sheet Information on the Institution Information on the State Grade levels candidates are prepared to teach Degree awarded If program is offered at more than one site Title of state license Program report status Information on the State Is there a state licensure test for reading specialist/literacy coach
Section I: Contextual Information Information is provided that will be used later for the Unit’s Institutional Report (IR)
Section I: Contextual Information (cont.) Provides general information and description of the program. Provides information for the “Overview” of the Unit Institutional Report (IR). Number of candidates and completers are reported. Provides information on three years’ of data on candidates enrolled and completing the program.
Section I: Contextual Information (cont.) Provides information on faculty (used for IR report – Standard 5) Links to a table Describes the relationship of the program to the Unit’s Conceptual Framework
Section I: Contextual Information (cont.) Describes the relationship of assessments used in the program to the Unit’s Assessment System (Standard 2). Key assessments used in the program, are derived from or inform, the assessment system of the Unit.
Section II: Assessment Chart List of key assessments that are used with all candidates in the program. Assessments will probably provide evidence for more than one standard. Think about the four transition points in the program assessment system or the unit assessment system.
Section II (cont.) For each assessment listed (7-8), an attachment will be sent of the following: The assessment with instructions to candidates about the assigned task. Scoring guides or criteria used to score candidate response on assessment. A table with aggregated results of the assessment providing recent data. Data organized according to scoring guide Provide percentage of candidates achieving at each category
Samples of Assessments Research reports Teacher work samples Unit/lesson plans Case study Interviews Observations Action research projects Online tutorial Comprehensive exams
Section III: Standards Assessment Chart Assessments are aligned with the IRA standards Must meet: ALL 5 standards All 19 elements Components within the elements will be a holistic assessment by reviewers
Section III (cont.) Assessment evidence in three categories: Content knowledge Pedagogical/professional: Knowledge, skills, and dispositions Candidates effects on student learning
Section IV: Evidence for Meeting Standards Information provided on each of the 7-8 required assessments Each assessment is briefly described and limited to 2 pages each. Statement on how the assessment aligns with the specific standard indicated in Section III. Brief summary statement of the data findings that were attached with Section II. Interpretation of how data provides evidence for meeting standards.
Assessment #1: Content Knowledge Data from state licensure tests or professional examination of content knowledge Assessment must show alignment with IRA standards Must have 80% pass rate
Assessment #2: Content Knowledge Includes but not limited to standards 1 and 5 Appropriate assessments may be: Child studies Portfolios Research reports Action research
Assessment #3: Pedagogical and Professional Knowledge Includes but not limited to standards 2 –5 Assessments that demonstrate: candidates knowledge, skills, and dispositions candidates can effectively plan reading and literacy education candidates can fulfill other professional responsibilities Examples are lesson plans, teacher work samples, literacy profiles, coaching experiences, staff development experiences
Assessment #4: Pedagogical and Professional Knowledge Includes but not limited to standards 2-5 Assessment instrument used to evaluate internships, practicum, or clinical experiences should be submitted Assessment should demonstrate candidates knowledge, skills, and dispositions are applied effectively in practice
Assessment #5: Effect on Student Learning Includes but not limited to standards 2–5 Assessment of candidates effectiveness on student learning and provision of supportive learning environments for student learning Examples are teacher work samples, literacy profiles, follow-up studies
Assessment 6 to 7 or 8: Additional Assessment Includes but not limited to standards 2 –5 Additional assessment that is needed meet standards
Section V: Use of Assessment Results for Candidate and Program Performance Evidence that the results of the assessment have been analyzed and used by faculty. A summary of principle findings should include: faculty interpretations changes made to the program steps taken in using data Organized around (Unit Standard 1): Content Knowledge Professional and Pedagogical Knowledge Skills Effects on Student Learning and creating environments that support learning
Tips…… Align assessments instructions with IRA standards. Align rubrics and other scoring instruments with IRA standards. Scoring guides need to be clear, fair, and free from bias. Scoring guides should have written and shared criteria for judging performance that indicate the qualities by which levels of performance can be differentiated.
More Tips……….. We suggest you do not use GPA or grades from classes. If you do you must show how these align with the standards. If you use a generic practicum or internship evaluation you must align this with IRA standards and possibly write an addendum to evaluation.