Iraq & the Persian Gulf War 1990-present Victory Parade for Operation Desert Storm Military personnel carry a huge American flag through New York City during a ticker tape victory parade for Operation Desert Storm. Image: © Joseph Sohm; ChromoSohm Inc./CORBIS June 1991
2 Iraq Basics Where?
3 Iraq Basics Who? Ethnic Groups A. Arab B. Kurd 2/3 of Iraq 1/4 of Iraq Own language & customs Kurds Brutally suppressed in Iraq
4 Iraq Basics Who? Religion A. Shiite B. Sunni 3/5 of the population 2/5th of population 90% of world’s Muslims Kurds C. Main differences: Who should lead the Muslim community?
5 Iraqi History A. British Mandate B. British Backed Monarchy Post WWII British colony King chosen by England C. Dictatorships King Faisal I of Iraq Original caption: Death of King Faisal. Faisal, King of Iraq, whose sudden death is just announced. Image: © Hulton-Deutsch Collection/CORBIS Date Photographed: ca Baath Revolution
6 Baath Party B. What does it do? Secular (non- religious) government Uses oil $ for government projects Hussein begins to eliminate opponents HUSSEIN CARD AS PART OF DECK OF 55 CARDS OF US CHARACTERS WANTED Reuters/CORBIS
7 That all changes with the Iran-Iraq War Iranian Revolution A. Why? Pro-western Shah unpopular because of his alliance w/US & secret police B. How? Religious (Shiite) revolution C. Results Fear in most neighboring Middle Eastern countries, especially majority Shiite Iraq
8 Iran-Iraq War A. Iraq’s Goals: Remove Iran’s leaders, gain oil-land, & make Hussein a hero to neighbors B. How? Long brutal war, including use of chemical weapons on both sides UN creates a peace deal C. Results Iraq left with big war debt
9 Persian Gulf War (the 1st one!) Why? 1.Iraq’s claims to the land 2. Claims Kuwait was stealing oil (“slant drilling”) 3. $ owed to countries by Kuwait 4.Hussein thought no one would stop him
10 Persian Gulf War (the 1st one!) What happened?? US invades w/full UN backing US bombs Iraqi military & civilian infrastructure We make no attempt to hold Iraqi towns or capture Saddam Hussein Destroyed Vehicles Along Kuwaiti Highway Destroyed cars and trucks line Kuwait's "Highway of Death" during the Persian Gulf War. The name was given to the stretch of road leading north out of Kuwait City which, while clogged with retreating Iraqi forces, was furiously bombed by coalition forces, killing most on it. Image: © Peter Turnley/CORBIS
11 Persian Gulf War Pictures Kuwait Oil Well Fires from Space View from the space shuttle Atlantis of black smoke billowing from burning oil wells in Kuwait, which were set ablaze by retreating Iraqi troops at the end of the Persian Gulf War. Image: Digital image © 1996 CORBIS; Original image courtesy of NASA/CORBIS
12 Persian Gulf War Pictures George Bush and Saddam Hussein on CNN Television Broadcast The faces of the US President George Bush and the leader of Iraq Saddam Hussein on a CNN television broadcast during the Gulf War, Image: © Zen Icknow/CORBIS Photographer: Zen Icknow Date Photographed: January 1990
13 Persian Gulf War (the 1st one!) Results? UN Embargo & Oil for Food Program Peace Terms: Iraq accepts border with Kuwait, surrenders all WMDs, destroys all WMD production capability Iraq can sell oil in exchange for food & medicine
14 Second Iraq War Bush Doctrine: US can attack them before they attack us Why?:Bush argues Iraq is a threat because of WMDs How? First US pushes for tighter inspections, then invades claiming Hussein was not cooperating
15 Second Iraq War Result? Stalemate in Iraq and “Funnel Action” The United States funnels in troops and CIA operatives to fight for Iraqi democracy. Al Qaeda funnels in foreign Islamists to fight for a fundamentalist Iraqi regime. Currently…