-Never wrote any records of his own. -Most of what we know is from his pupil Plato. -Did not like the early schools of philosophy=Useless -Declared the “wisest man” by the Oracle of Delphi. -Tried to find someone wiser SOCRATES
Taught using questions. Called the Socratic Method. Above all, maintain truth and integrity (firmly following moral conduct) Asked: What is justice? If we know the answer we will be just. Knowledge should affect how we live Believed that goodness brought happiness. SOCRATES’ TEACHING
PLATO -Student of Socrates -Wrote many books on questions of reality, usually using the voice of Socrates -Wrote the Republic – about what makes a person just. Argues for a city where the Philosopher is king and everyone has their jobs to do and does them -Disagreed with Socrates – very concerned with science and math -Platonic forms
ARISTOTLE -Student of Plato -Kidnapped by King Philip of Macedonia and taught Alexander the Great -Wrote some books; we also have his lecture notes -Wrote about politics, rhetoric, and ethic -Disagreed with Socrates – focused more on philosophizing about this world, since we can observe it -Ultimate Cause -Everyone wants to be happy = Virtue
ARISTOTLE’S 4 CAUSES 1.Material cause – What is it made of? 2.Efficient cause – What actually makes it? 3.Formal cause – What gives it the shape by which it is identified? 4.Final cause – What is the ultimate reason for something?