The Persian Empire Hector Gaona & Daniel Mickunas
Key Terms. Cyrus the Great : died 529 BC) King of Persia and founder of the Persian Empire; he defeated the Median army and united the Persians and Medians under his rule. Darius I : (550–486 BC) King of Persia from 522 to 486 BC; he reorganized and strengthened the Persian Empire by reforming the army and the government. Satraps : governors of ancient Persia. Xerxes: (c. 519–465 BC) King of Persia; his armies invaded Greece but were eventually defeated by the Greeks.
Zoroaster: (c. 628–c. 551 BC) Religious teacher and prophet of ancient Persia; he founded a religion known as Zoroastrianism based on the idea that people have free will and can act as they choose. Dualism : the belief that the world is controlled by two opposing forces, good and evil.
The Persian Empire The Persians formed one of the largest and best governed empires in the world at that time and made great cultural achievements.
Growth and organization Persia under the Medes Persians allowed to keep their own leaders as long as they did not rebel
Cyrus the Great Cyrus the Great (Cyrus II) Defeated Medes in 559 BC Expanded Persian Empire On his death in 530 B.C. he ruled the largest empire in the world. His son, Cambyses II became emperor after his fathers death and expanded his empire into Egypt He was killed on his way back to Persia to stop a rebellion that was taking place and Persia was without a ruler.
Persia in Decline Rule of Darius high point of Persian culture Son, Xerxes, failed to conquer Greece Last strong ruler of Persia
Zoroastrianism During the reigns of Cyrus and Darius, a new religion called Zoroastrianism took hold, based on the teachings of Zoroaster. Spread Much of Persian Empire Darius worshipped Ahura Mazda Other religions discouraged The Greeks converted the Persians Zoroastrianism never completely disappeared.
Zoroastrianism Teachings Ahura Mazda, source of good(World was created by him). Ahriman, evil spirit Dualism = world is controlled by good and evil Free will The Avesta End of time
Persian Achievements Blended Culture Cyrus and Darius encouraged cultural unity Shared culture led to peace and a blending into a single Persian Culture. People worked together to improve empire
Art and Architecture Animals a common subject in their art. Persepolis, monument to Persia’s glory Greatest example of Persian architecture