P ersian M anuscripts a selection of a private collection.
Types of Items und how many 25 Still Images of copies of photos of the original pieces (which don’t do justice, but present the reader with some idea).
Descriptive Metadata Each Item shall contain the following pieces of metadata: Title Subject Description- a thorough, as thorough can be, description will be provided of the item itself a Creator a Source possibly a Date Format Language The Collector and a brief bio. Technically, these are Still Images of the Manuscripts, but they themselves were Manuscripts and will have an item- type created uniquely for it; ie. Persian Manuscripts (and a brief definition).
How will items be TAGGED Examples: Persian Persian Manuscripts Timurid Period Saffavid Period Persian Art circa … Persian Poetry Poetry Persian Miniatures Names of the Poets Names of the Writer and Illustrator if possible Name of the collector Natural Inks Any other Suggestions?
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