Presented by Marek Nekvasil at KEG seminar, September 26
SSMS 2007 Factual infos SSMS ’07 was the second in the series It was organised by the IR group at GU and supported by K-Space project 79 participants from 16 countries 12 speakers 12 lectures Panel session
Lectures Audio processing - Gaël Richard Semantic Web - Steffen Staab Human language technology for multimedia analysis - Thierry Declerck Speech processing - Steve Renals Image and Video Processing - Noel O'Connor Cross-modal analysis - Alex Hauptmann Concept-based video indexing & retrieval - Cees Snoek IR foundations - Keith van Rijsbergen Multimedia IR evaluation initiatives - Alan Smeaton Character retrieval and annotation in multimedia - or "How to find Buffy" - Andrew Zisserman Music information retrieval - Stephen Downie Multimedia interaction - Lynda Hardman
Best poster awards (supported by Yahoo!) 1st Prize Daragh Byrne Dublin City University, Ireland "Making Sense of SenseCam: Exploring Extremely Large Event Oriented Lifelog Image Sets" Highly commended Krystian Samp, Digital Enterprise Research Institute Galway, Ireland "Atom Interface - an interactive exploration of tree structures based on the metaphor of electrons, atoms and molecules" Tobias Bürger, Digital Entreprise Research Institute (DERI), Austria "Towards Self-Producing Media" Peyman Heydarian, Queen Mary University of London, UK "Analysis and Classification of the Persian Musical Modes"
Social events Sunday (15th of July) - welcome event with whiskey tasting session Tuesday (17th of July) – dinner at the House for an Art Lover Wednesday (18th of July) – Loch Lomond cruise