Chapter 10 Final Exam Review
Can you ask for an give information? (pg 348) How would you ask where the money exchange is? – -¿Me puede decir dónde está la oficina de cambio? How would you ask what time Flight 954 leaves? – ¿Sabe Ud. a qué hora sale el vuelo 954? No quiero perdirlo How would you ask where you can get a map? – ¿Dónde se puede conseguir una mapa?
Can you remind and reassure? (pg 351) How would you ask if you already got the money? – ¿Ya sacaste el dinero? How would ask if you’ve already packed your suitcase? – ¿Ya hiciste la maleta? How would say you left the camera at home? – ¡Ay, dejé la cámara en casa!
Can you talk about a trip? (pg 361) How would you ask how a trip was? – ¿Qué tal el viaje? How would you ask where you went? – ¿Adónde fueron? How would you as what you did? – ¿Qué hicieron?
Can you express hopes and wishes? (pg 363) How would you say that one say you would like to travel to Peru? – Algún día me gustaría viajar a Perú How would you say if you’re lucky, you’ll visit Mexico? – Si tengo suerte, voy a visitar a México How would you say you want to see the ruins at Machu Picchu? – Quiero conocer las ruinas de Machu Picchu How would you say you hope to see the pyramids? – Espero ver las pirámides.