Toplum Gönüllüleri Vakfı (TOG – Community Volunteers Foundation) is founded in December Foundation contributes to the personal development of young people through encouraging young people to participate to the social responsibility projects as volunteers. By this way, it increases the young people’s community involvement on the voluntary base. Every year the Foundation supports the realization of over 980 projects and activities implemented by about 40,000 young people in over 120 university clubs.
Ecological Literacy is to know the natural cycles of the planet earth which makes the life possible and have the ability to understand the ecosystem. Having harmony with these natural cycles makes the sustainable life possible. Naturally Young!, which is implemented in partnership with Yuva Derneği, is the first ecological literacy project for youth and adult in Turkey. The main aim of the project is to strengthen the ecological literacy of young people and support the protection of nature. The volunteers in the project participate in a 7 days Ecological Literacy Training of Trainers. Then they disseminate these trainings in different cities to different youth groups.Yuva Derneği The Youth Campus for Human Rights, implemented in cooperation with the Delegation of the European Union to Turkey, is an 18 month project that aims to raise awareness on human rights issues and develop different tools to promote innovative advocacy for dedicated young people who devote their skills and energy to projects that support human rights at the national and local levels.Delegation of the European Union to Turkey Youth Centres TOG Youth Centers are local centers where young people between15-25 can participate in activities that contribute to their personal development. Activities include dance, music, photography, film, drama workshops, consulting services, nature camps, and national and international youth mobility opportunities. Youth centers create free spaces for young people to gain autonomy, make their ideas come true and encounter new opportunities.
Living LibraryLiving Library This project, implemented once or twice per year, sets up a ‘library’ of people. The ‘books,’ or people, in the library represent groups that are frequently victims of discrimination, prejudice, and stereotyping. ‘Readers’ can then ‘check-out’ the ‘books’ from the Living Library and engage in a conversation, ask questions, and explore their differences and similarities. This project allows both ‘readers’ and ‘books’ to understand human rights on a visceral, as opposed to academic, level. The project is based on the methodology of the Council of Europe’s Youth Program on Human Rights Education. For more information, you can visit Living Library’s website. utuphane/Haberler/Haberler.html
Public Training Centers in Turkey Nonformal education has two components: general and vocational technical nonformal education programs. Institutes providing nonformal education include the practical arts schools for girls, advanced technical schools for girls, industrial practical arts schools, technical education centers for adults, public education centers, and apprenticeship training centers. The programs may be classified as public education, apprenticeship training, and distance education. Computer & Accountancy Foreign Languages (English, Russian, Ottoman, Spanish, Chinese, Italian, Japanese, Arabian, Persian, Bosnian and German.) Clothing Workshop Food and Pastry Workshop Jewelry Workshop Crafts Workshop Photography Academy Sport & Music academy Turkish Islamic Art Academy Literacy Family Education Elocution
UNIVERSITIES Universities are a part of formal education in Turkey. Turkey has a number of English- medium public and private universities with many modern conveniences. Faculty members are well-respected and have often made a significant contribution to their fields. There are 180 universities and academies total in Turkey: 104 of them are State Universities State Universities five of which are technicel universities, two of which are instuties of technology, and one of which is fine arts university and 71 Private Foundation Universities seven of which are two-year granting institutions, Four military academies and One police academy.