September 13, 2013ODS Fall Classic 2013 Popularity Poll Compiled By: Dave Mussar
ODS Fall Classic ODS – Popularity Poll Purpose –Identify superior performing plants in our area –Provide guidance to the Ontario gardening public –For the ODS to be seen as a resource for daylily information and recommendations –Have some fun!!!!
ODS Fall Classic ODS – Popularity Poll Results –32 club members cast 316 votes Down from 43 voters in 2012 –195 cultivars named 12 with 4+ votes 46 with 2+ votes 137 with 1 vote –Results will be posted on the ODS website and newsletter
ODS Fall Classic # 8 (6 way tie) Beautiful Edgings (4)
ODS Fall Classic # 8 (6 way tie) Moonlit Masquerade
ODS Fall Classic # 8 (6 way tie) Persian Ruby (4)
ODS Fall Classic # 8 (6 way tie) White Eyes Pink Dragon (4)
# 8 (6 way tie) – Elsie Stelter ODS Fall Classic
# 8 (6 way tie) Lord Trickster (4)
ODS Fall Classic # 4 (4 way tie) Potala Tapestry (5)
# 4 (4 way tie) Dangling Participle ODS Fall Classic
# 4 (4 way tie) –Diane Crawford ODS Fall Classic
# 4 (4 way tie) –Ruby Spider (5) ODS Fall Classic Nick White photo
ODS Fall Classic # 3 Spirit Zone (6)
ODS Fall Classic # 2 Barbara White (10)
ODS Fall Classic # 1 Sun Panda (12)
ODS Fall Classic Comparison vs * New pop poll favourites 1. Sun Panda 2. Spirit Zone 3. Barbara White 4. Beautiful Edgings 4. Lord Trickster 6. Dragon So 6. Potala Tapestry 8. Diane Crawford 8. Elsie Stelter 8. Jade Princess 8. Primal Scream 8. Ruby Spider 8. Spirit Fox 1.Sun Panda 2.Barbara White 3.Spirit Zone 4.Dangling Participle 4.Potala Tapestry 4. Diane Crawford 4. Ruby Spider 8.Beautiful Edgings 8. Lord Trickster 8.Elsie Stelter 8. Moonlit Masquerade 8.Ruby Spider 8. White Eyes Pink Dragon
ODS Fall Classic ODS – Popularity Poll Many thanks to: –All those who voted!! –Kelly Noel for automating the process –Nick, Bryan & Dave for use of their photos