ALY’s Mystery Place! 9/17/08 Social Studies Map Unit
Clue #1 To find this mystery place you will have to travel to the Northern Hemisphere..
Clue #2 Another basic clue in finding out my mystery place is, that it is in the Eastern Hemisphere.
Clue #3 I am a country.
Clue #4 If you were coming from Port Sudan, Sudan to my place, you would cross over the Red Sea and part of the PersIAn Gulf.
Clue #5 I am Northwest of Broome which is located at 22°S, and 125°E.
Clue#6 The continent I’m in is Asia.
Clue #7 I am next to the country with the world’s largest mountain peak.
Clue #8 I do not touch any bodies of water; I’m a landlocked country.
Clue#9 I am 29˚n of the equator
Clue #10 If you still can’t figure out who I am then, my latitude is 28°N and my longitude is 90°E.
I am buthan!