Across the Persian Gulf from the UAE lies Iraq, the ancient Mesopotamia - land “between the rivers” Euphrates and Tigris, the cradle of Western civilization, dating back 7000 years to the Sumerians and Assyro-Babylonians
Iraq is rich in water, but richer still in oil - - as are Abu Dhabi and Dubai (UAE)
with almost 1 million dead over the past 5 years Its own oil has drenched I raq in blood,
Abu Dhabi’s and Dubai’s oil in only 3 decades built the wealthiest cities in the world, competing with New York, Tokyo and Shanghai -- and Las Vegas in ostentation
In Dubai and Abu Dhabi the tallest buildings in the world are being built by millions of exploited immigrant workers living in slums…
Where will the water come from to sustain these mega-cities? How long can such cities survive?
Or will a war destroy them first, like Baghdad?
Story and presentation by Athena Tacha, © 2008 With photos and maps mainly from Wikipedia