The Food Pyramid! The Food Guide Pyramid helps to promote the 3 basic rules for a healthy diet: Variety Variety Balance Balance Moderation Moderation
The 6 groups Fats oils and sweets Milk yogurt cheese Meat poultry fish beans nuts VegetablesFruits Bread cereal pasta rice
Group 1 Fats, oils, Sweets You can eat a little bit from this food group every day. It's not really that good for you and you can get cavities.
Group 2 Milk, yogurt and cheese These are very good for you because they have calcium. Calcium makes you grow big and strong and helps your bones. Calcium is important when you are a child. You should eat 2 or 3 servings from this food group every day. Our favorite foods from this group are yogurt and ice cream. These are very good for you because they have calcium. Calcium makes you grow big and strong and helps your bones. Calcium is important when you are a child. You should eat 2 or 3 servings from this food group every day. Our favorite foods from this group are yogurt and ice cream.
Group 3 Meat poultry fish beans and nuts This food group has protein. Protein is good for your body because it gives you energy. Protein helps you grow and be strong. You should eat servings from this food group every day.
Group 4 Vegetables Here are some facts about the vegetable broccoli. This vegetable is good for you because it has minerals and vitamins and fiber. It grows in California and Arizona. We think this vegetable tastes the best when you eat it in a dip. Here are some facts about the vegetable carrots. This vegetable is good for you because it has vitamin A, vitamin C and beta- carotene. It grows in California. We think this vegetable tastes the best when it is raw or cooked in soup.
Group 5 Fruits Here are some facts about the fruit bananas. This fruit is good for you because it has vitamin C and potassium. It grows in tropical areas were it is sunny and hot. This fruit can be found during the whole year. Here are some facts about the fruit strawberries. This fruit is good for you because it has a lot of vitamin C. It grows in California, Florida, and Oregon. This fruit can be found during the spring and summer.
Group 6 Bread Group This food group gives us a lot of energy. It is healthy for you. This food group has foods with vitamins and iron and minerals. All of this is good for you, especially kids!! Our favorite foods from this group are pasta, rice, bread, muffins and popcorn! You should eat servings from this food group every day.
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