Picture by Christine Nolan
o Background The Well Traveled Yogurt Pot Food-miles Concept: Pros & Cons Freight Movement, food-related commodities, USA & IN o Online Demonstration- Food System Flows and Assets
Source: Stefanie B ö ge, The Well-traveled Yogurt Pot, World Transport Policy & Practice, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1995 Map developed by the PCRD Strawberries Jam Yogurt culture, paper, resin, glue Corn & Wheat powder Labels & Plastics Milk Glass Jars
“In general, volume of road freight (tons) is stagnating, volume of freight movement (ton-miles) is increasing”………Stefanie B ö ge, 1995 o Environmental consequences- emissions of SO 2, No x, and dust o Diesel and fossil fuel expenses (non-renewable energy sources) o For one truck-load of yogurt in southern Germany, a theoretical truck-load had to move 1,005 KM. Source: Stefanie B ö ge, The Well-traveled Yogurt Pot, World Transport Policy & Practice, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1995
o “Farm to the Fork”- distance traveled by food (Angela Paxton, 1994) o Energy used, GHG emissions, other environmental impacts o Promotes locally grown foods, local producers and farmers o The Soil Association in the UK monitors the import of organic produce to UK by the air freight o Benefits of organic farming (social and economic) versus costs (GHG emissions during production, transport by air freight, etc.) o In UK, the air freight is used for 1% of fresh organic produce causing 11% of GHG emissions of the food sector
o In 2007, the total value of freight moved was $ 11.7 trillion, weight was 12.5 billion tons, and movement was 3.3 trillion ton-miles o All modes are included- trucks, rail, water, air, pipeline, and multiple modes (parcel, courier, USPS, truck & rail, etc.) o Cereal grains, ranked 2 nd by weight; only food-related item in the top 10 commodities in 2007 (1.5 billion tons) Source: BTS, Table 01-58, National Transportation Statistics Freight Facts & Figures, 2011
o Freight Analysis Framework 3 o Oak Ridge National Laboratory o Commodities o Freight movement by 7 modes o Truck, Rail, Water, Air, Multiple modes, Pipeline, Other modes o 7 commodities- live animals/fish, cereal grains, other ag. prod., animal feed, meat/seafood, milled grain products, other food stuffs
Indraneel Kumar, Andrey Zhalnin, Purdue Center for Regional Development Gerald D. and Edna E. Mann Hall, Suite Martin Jischke Drive West Lafayette, IN Contact: