Nutrition and Food Label Awareness Presented by Angela Theberge, RN
Why talk nutrition? More teens are grocery shopping for their families and themselves. Confusing nutrition information Growing evidence supports: A choice of less healthy food items among youth. Adolescent diets lacking essential nutrients, and adequate fruits and vegetables. 100% increase of overweight Maine youth in 2000 since 1980
Nutrition Influences: ENERGY!! Strength Mental functioning Emotional well-being Weight Present and future health
Percentage of Maine and U.S. Adolescents Consuming at Least 5 or more servings of Fruits and Vegetables A Day Source: Maine Youth Risk Behavior Survey Maine Department of Education.
Costs of Fast Foods: Who Profits? High in fat and cholesterol + High in sodium + Low in fruits and vegetables = Consumers with health risks…. while fast food chains continue to make literally millions and billions in profits!!
Food Pyramid
Breakdown of Calorie Needs: Carbohydrates = 50-60% Proteins = 10-20% Fats = < 30%
The Lowdown on labels U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Federal Food and Drug Act 1990 Nutrition Labeling and Education Act - USDA What is “% Daily Value?” Refers to the amount of nutrients that food contains. Finding a balance between a lot and a little is called moderation. Use the “5/20” guideline. 5% DV or less = low 20% DV or more = high
Become a label detective… Check the serving size. Compare total calories with other products like it; choose the one lowest in calories. Look for fiber. A food with 5 grams or more per serving is considered high in fiber. Check for a balance of calories from carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Ask: “What else is this food offering for nutrients such as vitamins and minerals?”
Label requirements: Serving size, servings per container Total Calories Total fat, Calories from fat Unsaturated fat – mono and poly –Saturated and trans-fatty acids (artery cloggers)! Cholesterol Total carbohydrates (fiber) Vitamins A and C, Calcium, Iron, and Sodium Sugar
Smart Snacking = Energy Include more whole-grain breads/cereals, over candy bars or soda. Choose protein-rich snacks: low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese. Nutrients to eat in moderation: Reduce foods high in fats, cholesterol, and sugar Nutrients that we need enough of: Vitamin A –carrots, spinach, sweet potatoes, kale, apricots Vitamin C – (helps iron) broccoli, red/green peppers Calcium – calcium-fortified OJ, processed tofu, cooked spinach Iron – Lean red meat, dark poultry, clams, oysters Fiber – fruit w/ skin, beans, vegetables, oatmeal; wheat bran/whole grain
Tasty Snack Ideas and Substitutions: Low-fat pretzels with spicy mustard. Whole wheat bread, crackers, or celery with peanut butter. Fruit yogurt. Try substituting applesauce for the oil in a recipe. Replace regular corn chips with baked chips, use salsa as a dip instead of sour cream; reduce portion by ½ usual amount. Substitute nonfat frozen yogurt or sorbet for ice cream. When you’re in a rush a glass of milk will sustain you longer than a soda. (study on calcium)
Water and You MMMMakes up about 55% - 65% of our body weight! HHHHelps transport oxygen and nutrients to cells. CCCCarries away and eliminates waste products from the body. RRRRegulates body temperature, helps with digestion. LLLLubricates joints, cushions organs and tissues. GGGGeneral rule of thumb: One liter of water (about one quart) for every 1,000 calories used. (Note: 6-8 cups daily for sedentary individuals).
Healthful Eating: Targets for Success 1.Eat a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables every day. 2.Balance your diet with healthful fats. 3.Choose carbohydrates wisely. 4.Moderation.
Suggestions for Taking Action: Set a fruit and vegetable target of one to two more servings than what you are eating now each day. Replace at least one to two simple carbs. with a complex carbohydrate. Aim for whole grains: whole wheat bread, brown rice. Choose healthful fats: found in vegetables, most nuts, olives, avocados, fish, soy, use canola and/or olive oils for cooking. Drink plenty of water. Experiment with healthy substitutions.
The End.