Nutrition On the Go Eating for the LONG run!
Snow Man Marathon Free Nutrition Program today Free Lunch today Free use of wellness center for 6 weeks Free Body composition, lung capacity, blood pressure and cholesterol screening today Web site for weekly tips Submit mileage logs weekly (online or to Wellness Center) for prizes
Snow Man Marathon You have 6 weeks to complete the 26.2 mile marathon Each week will feature different tips and contests The goal is to establish a habit of regular exercise – not finish in the fastest time
Snow Man Marathon Finish Line is March 5 – Spring Health Fair Retest your cholesterol (regular health fair price) Body composition, lung capacity and blood pressure will be available Drawing for all finishers for 1 year membership
Thumpety, Thump, Thump – Look at Frosty GO! Exercise benefits: Calorie needs decrease as we age Building muscle increases metabolism Helps decrease “stress” eating Decreasing calories only will hit a plateau Raises HDL, lowers BP and blood sugar
THE SNOWMAN The 3 layers Made of solid water Carrot for a nose Shrinks when weather gets warm! Smiling face
THE SNOWMAN Carbohydrate – The Bottom Layer Our main source of energy Spares muscle glycogen Not all created equally –Simple vs. complex –Enriched vs. whole grain Inadequate carbohydrate intake can lead to: –Protein/muscle breakdown –Decreased ability to burn body fat
Try some new grains Bulgar wheat Quinoa Soy products Brown rice Miller’s bran Flax Seed or oil
What do you get when you cross a snowman with a polar bear? A: A “brrrrr” “grrrrrr”
THE SNOWMAN Protein – Middle Man Immune function Hormone production Build and repair muscle tissue Optimize carbohydrate storage in muscles – eat carbohydrate + protein after exercise Help stabilize blood sugar levels when consumed with a carbohydrate meal/snack Gibala, MJ. Protein Nutrition and Endurance Exercise: What Does Science Say? Gatorade Sports Science Institute, Sports Science Library. Accessed 3/06/07. Available:
THE SNOWMAN Fat – A little on the top Unlimited storage capacity –EMERGENCY ENERGY Carbohydrates not used for energy are easily stored as body fat Fat is not a fast or efficient source of energy – sluggishness during exercise if you eat too much During exercise – trained vs. untrained people and women vs. men burn a higher % calories as fat Some fat in the diet is necessary to absorb some nutrients, vitamins and anti-oxidants (carotenoids).
Choose Healthy Fats Choose These: Avocado Canola oil Fatty fish – salmon Flax seeds Natural nut butters Nuts, seeds Olives, olive oil Eat less of these: Saturated fat High fat animal and dairy products Coconut oil Palm, palm kernel oil Trans fats – partially hydrogenated oils
Nutrition Label Serving Size Dietary Fiber Protein
Q: What do you call a snowman in the summer? A: A puddle!
What do we have in common with snowmen? Dehydration can start within minutes Even a 1% fluid loss impairs performance Thirst may not “kick in” until 2% fluid loss – or 3 lbs (6 cups) for a 150-lb person WATER
Beverages Increase Water Milk Tea Q: What is a snowman’s favorite drink? A: Iced Tea!
Beverages Decrease Diet and Regular pop Coffee Sugar-free drinks Juice
Signs of Dehydration Headache Thirst, dry mouth Weakness, fatigue Nausea, vomiting High body temperature Muscle cramps – legs Dizziness, confusion Weak, rapid heart rate Lack of coordination & judgment Horswill, CA. Signs of dehydration. Gatorade Sports Science Institute, Sports Science Library. Accessed 3/7/07. Available:
Vitamins and Minerals Athletes who are at risk for inadequate intake: –Restrict energy intake/severe weight loss practices –Eliminate one or more food groups from diet –Consume high carb, low vit/min-dense foods Women more likely to lack calcium, iron and zinc Some vitamins and minerals compete with each other for absorption (mega doses) Insurance policy – daily multi-vitamin/mineral, plus extra calcium for women Position of the American Dietetic Association, Dietitians of Canada, and the American College of Sports Medicine: Nutrition and athletic performance. JADA 2000;100(12):
Weight Loss Success Regular physical activity Moderate reductions in calorie intake Healthy eating patterns and behaviors Keep records of food intake, physical activity, and goals – submit with miles Be mentally ready and committed
Spring is Just Around the Corner! BEFORE AJ Snowman Marathon AFTER AJ Snowman Marathon
It’s all in the numbers You must lower calories in or raise calories burned Lower calorie needs as we age You can lower calories without hunger
Slow and Steady Wins the Race! Rapid weight loss is usually water Metabolism slows Changes need to be gradual and long term
Eating for the LONG run Scale is not best measure of success Small changes you make for a life time Focus on POSITIVE – what foods are you adding, not taking away All foods can fit – decrease frequency and portion size Each pound of fat = 3500 calories (500/day)
Satiety Feeling of satisfaction after a meal that lasts until the next meal Studies show most people eat the same weight, not calories, of food at meals The more satisfied you feel at one meal, the less you will eat at the next
So... Which foods? Water-rich Protein High fiber
Naturally Water Rich Fruits (not juices) Vegetables Broth-based soups Pasta and Rice Yogurt Eat fruit for dessert at most meals Enjoy desserts 1-2 times per week
Protein Beans Lean meat and cheese Nuts - watch portion Milk and yogurt
Fiber Rich Foods Beans Fruits – not juices, skins on Vegetables – especially non-starchy Whole wheat bread, rice and pasta High Fiber cereal Goal 35 grams/day
What is the key to success? Change focus from negative – (What foods I have to stay away from) to positive (What foods does my body need to be healthy? Make long-term changes we can live with the rest of your life Eat filling, low-energy dense foods at most meals so you can still enjoy small portions of calorie dense foods
Keep the Fire Burning! Eat often, every 3 to 4 hours Eat enough to support life! Be physically active most days of the week (run/walk) Pump some iron to help build muscle
Snack time Make sure it meets one of these categories High Fiber High Water High Protein
Snack Time 3 cups air-popped popcorn vs.1 cup watermelon ½ cup almonds vs. 3 rice cakes 1 cup rice krispies/milk vs. 1 c. All Bran/milk
Summary Enjoy breakfast every day –2 servings of high fiber bread or cereal –1 serving protein –1 serving of milk –1 serving of fruit What does a Snowman Eat for Breakfast? Frosted Flakes!
The Plate Calories
The New Plate Calories
Lunch and Supper The NEW plate 2-3 ounces of protein 1 fruit 2-3 servings of vegetable 2 servings of starches – high fiber 1 serving of milk
Q: What did one snowman say to the other snowman? A: “Do you smell carrots?”
You Can Do It ! Is your mental tape supportive and friendly?
MENU PLANNING EXERCISE 7 day plan Have ingredients on hand Vary portions – not food for your family Reduce grocery bill – fewer unplanned purchases
Paper Plate Project Eating out No separate meals for family What to do about mixed meals (spaghetti) No calorie or fat-gram counting All foods can fit
Q:Who is a snowman’s favorite aunt? A: Aunt Arctica!