W HEN Y OU M AKE I T F AKE I T …. What I mean by this is to take those same flavor profiles from your favorite holiday foods and make your own new creations.
W HEN BAKING CANDIES, COOKIES, AND OTHER TREATS FOR THE HOLIDAYS, TRY SUBSTITUTING THESE INGREDIENTS TO MAKE YOUR GOODIES LOWER IN CALORIES AND FAT : Use two egg whites in place of one egg Substitute dried fruit for nuts in recipes Use unsweetened applesauce in place of oil (best to use in muffins, quick breads, and cakes) Instead of cream or whipping cream, use evaporated skim milk. As an alternative to sweets, make fruit baskets to give away instead
B AKING S UBSTITUTIONS C ONTINUED Omit the bottom crust of fruit pies and just use the top crust; pre-made graham cracker and ready made pie crust are lower in calories than standard crusts: crusted gingersnaps are still lower fat. Use 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder and 1 tablespoon of oil in place of baking chocolate. For dips, sauces, and pie toppings use non-fat yogurt or fat-free sour cream. Non-fat yogurt works best in dishes that don’t require heating. When making desserts, cut sugar by one third to one half by increasing cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla, and other sweet tasting spices and flavoring.
M ODIFYING RECIPES WITHOUT COMPROMISING TASTE DOESN ’ T REQUIRE EXTRA TIME, JUST QUICK, EASY KITCHEN KNOW HOW. S UBTLE MODIFICATIONS MAY EVEN IMPROVE YOUR RECIPE ’ S NUTRITIONAL CONTENT Use skim milk instead of whole or 2%. Use a light mist of olive oil or butter spray on veggies instead of the free pour method of olive oil, melted butter or fat back for flavor. Omit butter or margarine from stuffing recipes. Flavor mashed potatoes with skim milk, garlic, and low sodium chicken broth: add dry milk powder to add protein, and parmesan cheese instead of butter or half and half. Top casseroles with slivered almonds instead of fried onions Choose reduced fat or fat free cheeses for salads and casseroles.
M ODIFYING R ECIPES C ONTINUED Use a fat-skimmer cup or a shallow container place in the freezer to remove fat from the juices before gravy is made. The fat rises to the top. Or use store bought fat free gravies. You will save about 56 grams of fat. Substitute apple or orange juice (that’s low in sugars) with cinnamon for butter or margarine in candied yams. Use low fat cream soup in green bean casserole. Choose a turkey that is self-basted. This will lower sodium and cost. To ensure a moist bird, remove it from the oven when the internal temperature of the breast reaches 165 degrees.
W HEN A TTENDING A H OLIDAY P ARTY Do no skip meals Eat here not there Don’t go at it alone. Fashionably late. Smaller is better. Eat slowly. Look before eating. No hanging out. Take your own food. Water is your friend. Allow yourself 1 trip to the buffet table. Alcoholic beverages only in moderation. Watch out for emotional eating. Focus on socializing. A slip is not a failure.
W HEN H OSTING A P ARTY No leftovers – send every guest home with a “goody bag” so the temptation is out of sight out of mind Party Bariatric Style – make plenty of “Bariatric Friendly” dishes to share with family and friends.
F OOD FOR T HOUGHT Even though you might get to take a vacation from work or school, don’t take a vacation from your exercise routine. Since it is inevitable that you will be consuming more calories during this time of year, it is important to burn those extra calories.
E XERCISE THE H OLIDAYS Do Not Look for a Close Parking Spot: Park your car as far away from the store as possible: Every step counts. Do Shopping Intervals: Wear a pair of comfortable shoes to the mall. Shop for 15 minutes, walk for 15 minutes and repeat until all your holiday shopping is complete.
E XERCISE THE H OLIDAYS Take a brisk walk through your neighborhood to look at the Christmas lights. Organize a family game of football or Frisbee in the backyard before a big holiday dinner Dance to some holiday music Remember: The ultimate gift is to aim for 30 minutes of physical activity each day.
I N C LOSING The holiday season can be a fun and joyous time without reeking havoc on your waistline. Remember the following and you’ll be happy you did so once the new year rolls around! Eat in moderation Have a balanced diet. Aim for 30 minutes of physical activity each day.